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Thread: Congratulations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Manhattan, IL


    I just wanted to say congratulations to Tom Kaye's team. You all played your hearts out, and it was evident to everyone who the victors were. Honestly, as much as I wanted to win, when we showed up in the morning and got a look at both the teams, it became clear what our odds of winning were. Still, it was a great day. We had an awesome time. Let me say a big huge THANK YOU to Tom for grabbing the reigns and organizing this. He did a hell of job. And again, my hats off the players on Tom’s team. You guys played some awesome ball.

    See ya next year.
    Last edited by Mighty Wingman; 10-04-2004 at 07:49 AM.

  2. #2
    You can thank Goglin for the recruiting. He and some of his subordinates contacted all the major scenario groups. Since he is well liked and respected he even drew some groups away from the Shat's team. I already signed on with Kaye before I got the call though.

  3. #3

    Shatner is a player

    Shatner was on the field 80% of the game time! As a non playing vendor/fund raiser who was also trying to get photos and a quick interview with Bill, I can tell you he was on the field for the majority of the time. I had a very hard time catching him off field to get some video for my website, and when he was off he was either refilling or doing the live broadcast for the game. One time I did catch him (lunch break), he and Liz(his wife) had just came into his RV staging area and were talking about getting something to eat, but realized they had not come off the field quick enough and probably did not have time to eat before they had to be back on the field. As someone behind the scenes I can tell you Shatner is no figure head and he played the great majority of the time on the field. I am sure many of his commanders will tell you he was all over the place and does not act like he is seventy something at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    If you havent already figured it out... Your not supposed to take me seriously
    what was great was it felt like shatner was just another player of the game, i have alot of respect for him, and not for being like a certain other cow who likes to hide when the ball start-a-flying

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Green Bay, WI
    It was definately a great event, even though I was in blue. I had the courage to walk on the feild with my one of my old pumps. I can say with confidence though that I shot some of you suckers. But you guys just made the paint connect more often. We just didn't want it enough. I think that even though I love my pumps its an ULE mag next year for me.

    I look forward to seeing everyone and more people next year, exept dear lord let it be cooler!
    Who misses splatmaster?
    I know I do!

  6. #6
    I agree with Kahuna that Bill Shatner (and his wife Elizabeth) were out on the field playing for most of the game. Unfortunately, Bill's jersey was stolen prior to the event, so he wasn't as readily identifiable as in the past as he was wearing a jersey kindly offered up by another player.

  7. #7
    that was a great game! great field! and great people! it felt great shooting side by side with The Don on that last game. in my 6-7 years of playing paintball that had to have been the most fun i have ever had. i cant wait til next years game, im sure it will be even better. good job to the blue team, Mr. Shatner and his wife Elizabeth. the only thing that i'm wondering is, where did the cow run off to? i really enjoyed seeing all of the tanks that were brought also. it was quite fun running along side the tank during one of The Don's missions. but great job both teams and next year will be fun.
    Always always always pillage before you burn!!!

    Useful items:
    Automag RT Pro, ULE body, Lvl 10 Bolt, Intelliframe, Dye Sticky Grip, Dead-on drop, 88ci 4500psi PMI Pure Energy, Warp, 14" AA Freak Kit, 16" Dye Boomy, 12v Rev x-board

    UNuseful items:
    broke down spyder SE, 14" freak, assorted gear and tanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Everyone thanks for the compliments! My thanks goes to Pacman and Mother for really making this happen for us all!

    I can tell you Bill was on the field more than I was. His morning mission was to hit my base with a tank round so you might not have seen him riding in the tank. By late afternoon he was still strategizing a couple moves against me when he got light headed after about 3:30 so he came out and took a break until the final battle.

    His wife Eliz was in the thick of it too! She was in the fort and one of the last to die when we captured it in the morning. She came back in after shooting ALL 1000 ROUNDS OF PAINT she was carrying. I swear to God she asked if she could get a bigger pack but I told her she didnt have enough air.

    Mancow twisted his ankle and left for the hospital about 3:00pm He paged me about it but my pager was at the hotel and we didnt find out where he went until midnight.

    The Don

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Manhattan, IL
    Well then I guess I just wasn't in the right places to see them. My bad luck. Thanks again to all who worked on this and volunteered their time. I can honestly say this is always the best event of the year for me.

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Liz kicked butt out there! She was out in the forest with us in the morning during one especially rough battle, and she just never stopped advancing. We were all very impressed.
    Last edited by Mighty Wingman; 09-06-2004 at 07:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lake Geneva Wisconsin
    all i have to say is... who ever was in the Shatner fort in the beginning when Red overran it pulled one heck of a nice shot on me as i tried to enter... im not sure but i dont think he saw me and he was shooting the other guy that snuck around the side and he popped me in the mask... anyways i had a load of fun and i just want to thank everyone at the AGD booth for flashing the purple Xmag and making the warp work... er stupid warp

    anyways i had a blast and will definetly be back next year...

    babes were smoking hot
    t33kyboy "So if a cat is dropped from 11 inches, it will most likely die."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Most fun I've had in a very long time. Assaulting Shatner's base twice in one day was fun. The final battle was crazy. I got AGDJon to wear he needed to be to lock down the left side of that temple/hill. Me and my grenades did that. Yup, they sure did. I came back and threw (with my hands) four pods of paint because I was out of air. Now thats what I call a blast of dedication. Thanks to all that made this victory happen. Thanks to everyone that made this event happen. Special thanks to Smoke for coming up with the idea to make the propoganda posters while we were at work. I had almost as much fun pinning those up in Shatner's base and Bedlam as I did assaulting the temple in the final battle.


    Wang Force 5

    Moderate with Equality & Consistency in 2005!
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    Karta #082
    Member #007 of the Unoffical Trina Fan Club
    Great Traders: automagfreek, ClassicMagger, Emagster, fire1811, Kevmaster, MrMag, Nicad, oldsoldier, RogueFactor, SpongeBobSquarePantsx2 , SteveDx10+, The Frymarker, Treefall25, Tunamanx3, warpfeedmod
    In Loving Memory of Eric "Po" Ison Oct. 10, 1974 - Dec. 31, 2004

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Oakville Ontario
    I had such an amazing time, I want to thank Mother for choosing my shirt design as well as other things, I want to thank alot of the players for saying nice things about the shirt and even asking for me to sign it. I BIG BIG BIG thank you has to go to William Shatner, Mr. Shatner was incredibly nice and signed my shirt. I found out later that he wasn't really supposed to do that cuase they were selling signed shirts for 75 bucks to raise for charity but that just shows you what a nice guy he is. My dad and I made a small donation towards the charity as our way to show our appreciation.

    As for most amazing moments one has to be capturing the fort alongside Mrs. Shatner. I was very impressed with her skill, and her down to earthed-ness. She smoked some red shirt in the head and I said "Nice shot" she replied with "Thats what they tell me" and we did a kuckle fist high five kinda thingy. I mean, in retrospect it was kinda surreal. As well as standing next to shatner in the final battle when we both got greased by a guy with an automag. I was surprise that he went that far up on the line.

    Tom, you and your team brought it hard and I want to congratulate you. I hope everyone had fun and I hope no one got hurt. Thanks for the memories.

  13. #13

    Final Battle

    NeonGene, you may have been up there with me right aroung the time that you two got waxed. I was the guy that took one in the head while guarding Shatner in the final battle. The felt hat that I was wearing was split by the force of that particular close-range hit, but I died proudly defending my General (Captain!!).

    I got to play the red-shirted Ensign for real. My proudest moment.

    As for Shatner's wherabouts during the game he was always on the front lines... PLAYING PAINTBALL! I thought it was awesome. We was in that tank forever, and Elizabeth was right in there too. I got to talk to her for a few minutes in one of the reinsertion areas and she was great. Well worth the trouble.

    I did notice that the Vita Water seemed to send people into cramping fits throughout the day... not a good thing.

    Thank you to everyone who made it happen. I guess that Tom was due a win.

    On a final note... I got 91 mosquito bites in one day. Thank God I got to meet Shatner or I would be miserable now. I can soothe my wounds with the memories.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Altoona, Pa.
    I played with Bill and Eliz on two missions and saw Bill on the field another time.
    "Do Not Trifle With Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Go Well With Brie"

  15. #15
    dang, there were alot of red tanks

    luckily DBD's Doctor Doom sent them packing

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Manhattan, IL
    Alright well, I guess I suck. Bill, my apologies. You the man. I'm not worthy to stand in your garbage.

  17. #17

  18. #18
    The Frymarker Guest
    I didn't see Bill much but it did look like he played really hard! This was my first scenario event and I had such a blast and I would like to thank everyone involved Pacman, Mother, Tom Kaye, William Shatner, Mancow, Marcia and Joann, the AGD Techies, they did a great job organizing.

    For me it was the best 30th Birthday present! The memories I have will last a life time!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lake Geneva Wisconsin
    Quote Originally Posted by The Frymarker
    For me it was the best 30th Birthday present! The memories I have will last a life time!

    it was your birthday and you didnt let us know??? hrm ponders what to do next year

  20. #20
    The Frymarker Guest
    My 30th was in May but I didn't get my present which was going to Shatnerball until September.

    I guess your allowed a big birthday present at those 10 year marks

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    East Baton Rouge, LA
    Yes - congrats to Tom Kay and the men and women of AO.

    Being on the recieving end of the "hurt" it can be sumed up by a conversation I had in the first battle.

    Fighting our way out of the fort into the stream bed and trying to break out into Jungle of Doom and Bedlem -- I turned to a fellow team mate and asked "what time is it?". "10:30" was the reply. No response was given. We all knew we were in for a long day.

    But either way was still a great time (even though my M98 went MIA)

    Edward Tunis
    Budd Lake, NJ

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    DesMoines IA


    Congrats to TK and his team. I had a blast as always. Got to talk to Shatner a little more than last time-explained what LAW meant.
    Played medic in the afternoon. Actually liked it. A chance for cheap PB heroics. Even got some shots in with the PGP as I did it. People seemed to like the job I was doing. Never heard "COVER THE MEDIC!" before.
    Only downside was the heat/humidity(That vitamin sportpunch was awful-made my legs feel like lead) and my A5 blew a seal just before the final battle. Had to fight it with my Sheridan P12CA. My right hand is bruised from jamming the pump back so fast.
    Can't wait for the next one, but regretably my range is confined to the Midwest.

    Brian Wheater
    Des Moines

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    I do believe the red team won the last battle if I remember Mother correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Wingman
    I’m not gonna quibble about the final battle. The last 10 seconds of the game is too short and too chaotic to argue about. And even if we did win it, it wouldn’t have won us the day.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Luke AFB AZ, Suburb of Hell
    as with most MXS events the final battle is decided on who controls a center bunker/ thing. Normally it has nothing to do flags, but who's body is at the bottom of the stack of corpses in said bunker / objective.

    as I understand it was one of your Jersey sceanrio guys that was quietly in control of the game, while sitting on some semi hidden hooch barrles.

    AFTICA 4 Life! the low rent (unsponsored) AGD team at IAO
    Team Sandbaggers: 2k4 Texball Champs of the world!

    SFL Emag
    RTP abomination
    Sydarm + scenario project VM-68 to be featured later.

  25. #25
    I believe it was Dave C. from Knightmare Tango(KT) that was in control

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Darkman (aka Bobby G, Tom's XO) was that both Dave Cilio of KT and "Smokin" Joe Stayback of Blitzkrieg were in the center of the Temple of Doom tunnels as the final battle ended. That won us the final battle...way to go guys!

    Awesome game all...a HUGE thank you to all the AOr's who busted their butts to help bring Tom his well-deserved victory! It was a pleasure sharing the field with you all, sorry I didn't really have much chance to meet most of you in person though. Although I'll never forget "meeting" Melissa on field... (Trina will get that joke, but no one else )
    Member, Mayberry Marauders scenario team
    Captain, Manic tournament team
    "Will play for chocolate"

  27. #27
    Congrats to the ENTIRE burgandy/maroon team that worked extremely hard to earn the victory.

    ... and, hats off to the blue team for keeping up the fight.
    Dave Cilio
    Team Knightmare Tango

    Sponsored by:
    -Magnum Boots (
    -Atomic Ordnance (
    -Knightbreed Paintball Field

  28. #28
    What was the final score of the game? It was hard to tell where it would be posted. It was a great day no matter who won. Who would of known how much everyone would enjoy the day?
    Shatner , his wife and grandson Grant all had a great time. The assault on the fort was an experience I will not forget. I was there and we could not keep track of how many there was around us. The battle was so intense and the taste of the paint was...Yuk!!!! That was the first time I was blown up and was standing next to the "MOLL" when it happened. What a rush to hear and see all that activity. It was really nice that all the celeb were out and about more than last time. I think the shirts were a good idea but the jerseys would of been a better bet, they were really cool! See you all next time.

  29. #29
    The final score was 695 to 195. With no missions completed for Shatner's team. Also the final battle was won by Tom's team with less then 10 seconds to go.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Blue had one mission completed. That I know for sure cause I was there when the ref signed off on it. We did a short barrel run mission into the temple. Either way, it was a great time and lots of fun. I'll be back, and if I can put my team together in time, Team Sawdust will make an appearance!!
    Run Fast, Shoot Strait, Play Hard, NO WHINING!!!

    2002 Vert Vertebrae Cocker
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