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Thread: Official Venomous Designs Body Pre Order

  1. #691
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Any news would be appreciated.

  2. #692
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ^^ I agree.

  3. #693
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    both bodies should be done by the end of the month....then they will go directly to anno.
    Once complete they will be shipped out right away.

    V.2 and v.3 are both hitting the machines now....v.1 are done and at anno.

    all other orders have shipped with a few shipping out sat and monday.

    all custom orders are finishing up now and will also ship out very soon.

  4. #694
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    After not doing my EP body and rail justice for the last 9 months, I'm going to sell them.
    Here's the link:

    Goose - if you don't want my post on your thread, just let me know.
    E-Mag Serial 205

  5. #695
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose
    both bodies should be done by the end of the month....then they will go directly to anno.
    Once complete they will be shipped out right away.

    V.2 and v.3 are both hitting the machines now....v.1 are done and at anno.

    all other orders have shipped with a few shipping out sat and monday.

    all custom orders are finishing up now and will also ship out very soon.

  6. #696
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Still heard nothing, guys.

  7. #697
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Goose? Still no word.

  8. #698
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ok, enough is enough. I would like a refund please.

  9. #699
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Pm sent

  10. #700
    Join Date
    May 2009
    September came and went, shall I assume the bodies are still not done?

  11. #701
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    lol maybe someday...maybe someday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose

    Just received alot of parts back from anno.
    starting tomorrow we will start shipping everything out.

    some bodies are still being made and the evo grips are also in production.

    most of our customers have received their complete orders. Those still waiting will be compensated.

    we are working extremely hard to finish all of our current projects. We do understand they are taking longer then we expected but they will be finished.

  12. #702
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Mongoose, why do you log onto this website if you don't even read/respond to your threads?

  13. #703
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    so anything happening on these anymore....

  14. #704
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    what bodies are you guys waiting for?

    i got my custom job noxious, still waiting on the rest of the gun no biggy there.

    it took 1 yr and 4 mo for me to get my toxic package, no biggy.

    im guessing with all the orders and many parts he is and has produced they are pretty busy at VenomDesigns.

    patience is a big thing here.
    its automag stuff guys sometimes you just have to wait.

    i guess thats my two cents.

  15. #705
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i know that, just checking in from time to time, just to see whats going on. This isnt the first thing ive bought that took over a year from time of order to delivery. Im still waiting on a syclone body and feedneck, btw. No problem waiting here...good things come to those who wait, right...

  16. #706
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by reckid1986
    i know that, just checking in from time to time, just to see whats going on. This isnt the first thing ive bought that took over a year from time of order to delivery. Im still waiting on a syclone body and feedneck, btw. No problem waiting here...good things come to those who wait, right...
    for sure

  17. #707
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Moongoose, please help. the package with my bodies must have been returned too your shop (tracking says). Can you check , please?

  18. #708
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by reckid1986
    good things come to those who wait, right...

    ahh, that was a good one.

  19. #709
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ^^I know right.....

  20. #710
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    hmm, still no Syclone body, wth.

    Guess I should've got a Noxious

  21. #711
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Grand Rapids, MI
    You guys are dumb. Waiting for something you payed for over a year ago?! Give me a break. How much longer are you going to wait? I wouldn't wait a month for something I paid for.

    These people knew what they were getting into when they took your money. They are obligated to get the items you paid for to you within a timely manner. They have failed to do so and any excuse is unacceptable. Refund or police involved should be the only two options at this point.

  22. #712
    Join Date
    May 2009
    You know Steve I totally agree. Some of us have been just holding onto hope that we'll be able to finish the project markers we started years ago.

    Personally I have a date set as to when Mongoose will get the ultimatum of refund or cops.

    For anyone who doesn't know XMagTerror is the one who cuts the parts for Mongoose. Perhaps he can shed more light into where this guy has 'd off to. I can say that the slowdown is not due to XMT either. He was able to get the shockwave bodies and packs done within the time frame he quoted to me.

  23. #713
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    We have had problems with the second run of slug bodies.....we have been trying to correct this before finishing the last of the bodies.

    We have not stopped working on these and want to get them done and out to everyone asap.

    We do not wanna send something out that is not gonna work.

    at this point you will receive your body along with a partial refund for our huge delay.

    Everything wrong that could happen with this last run did! but we will see it through.

  24. #714
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    We have had problems with the second run of slug bodies.....we have been trying to correct this before finishing the last of the bodies.

    We have not stopped working on these and want to get them done and out to everyone asap.

    We do not wanna send something out that is not gonna work.

    at this point you will receive your body along with a partial refund for our huge delay.

    Everything wrong that could happen with this last run did! but we will see it through.
    Mongoose the problem is lack of communication both hear on the forums and thru emails. If there was a problem to begin with letting people know would've made things a lot easier. Instead you avoid communication and know after everyone is pissed off you come here saying there was a problem and that's why there was a delay.

  25. #715
    Join Date
    May 2009
    What the heck is this... So when you told me it was in the finishing process you were outright lying? What you are saying here is the slugs arent even done (Hmm I remember some problem with making the slugs over a year ago, doesn't seem like youre trying at all) and this is no where near finished.

    What about my carbon fiber foregrips? Wheres my rail? My detents? My V1 grip? My V2 Grip? Where is my ?

    How about this, you send me back all my money and I'll pay you when/if you ever get your act together.

  26. #716
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    is the wait on these parts keeping, for everyone who is voicing there opinions keeping you from playing paintball?

    if so i see where you are coming from.

    but how many of you are able to use another gun.

    i know the heavy investment many of you have done is quite large.

    me presonally i have been taking it in stride.

    but i also have access to many markers. if i choose.

    but again i havnt played ball for about 2 yrs.

    but then again i am a patient man.

    my 2 cents.

  27. #717
    Join Date
    May 2009
    so you can only justify being angry about the wait if it is keeping you from playing? that's pretty silly.

    little to no communication or updates, lies, deceit, obscene project length and just generally giving people the run around are not valid reasons to be angry? He has my money, I don't have his parts, and it has been years.

    It does not matter If I have guns to play with. I can grab one of my 15 other nice guns or one of my 20 other junk guns, or I can just go down to my field and use one of 80 rentals.

    This is not about patience as it is far beyond that point. This wait is well past any reasoning he can give and clearly the customer is not the priority for this business.

    A good business wants their customers to be happy and will bend over backwards to keep a good reputation. Take this for example. Last month one of my customers special ordered a tank, I had quoted him no more than 2 weeks for the item to arrive. When my shipment came in my supplier had forgotten to amend the order to include the tank. So instead of disappointing my customer who was coming in that weekend I drove 1.5 hr's (each way) to the factory just to get his tank. After burning all that gas did I make any money from that tank sale? No. Did I keep my customer happy? Yes. And because I delivered on what I promised, he had a tank to use that day, was able to play, the field made money and both parties were happy with the result.

  28. #718
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I totally understand.

    im just tryin to defuse.

    he has many parts of mine as well
    Hope things turn out good for everyone waiting.

    sorry did not want to light another fuse on the situation.
    all the best

  29. #719
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    We are not out of money!
    we are still working on getting everything finished.
    We DID run into roadblocks......but we have not stopped or even slowed down.

    Here's an update for everyone.

    The Hydro company we used to do all of our hydro went out of business with our money and parts. the company was called CRC Hydrographics.....after months of looking for them and trying to get in contact i finally found out they were purchased by another company.
    I spoke with the new owner and thankfully they had all my parts. He promised me to finish them ASAP and send my way.
    This order will take care of everyone that is waiting on Hydro parts.

    BODIES: we have two designs still left to finish.....We only have 5 total bodies that are sold and customers are waiting.....i am thinking about not making these and refunding the customers their complete payments......If your waiting on a Helium or Syclone Body please post up and let me know your thoughts on this......if your willing to wait a lil longer i can get these finished. At this point i will totally understand if you don't wanna wait another day.

    V.1's are finished and is expected to start shipping next week.
    V.2's and V.3's are still in production and will be finished.

    Spazmok : I will be shipping everything i have of yours and will refund you 100% of your payments made "For parts not shipped". After reading your comments i have come to the conclusion that we do not need your business....There was nothing wrong with your parts...and when i asked for photos you never supplied them......I have offered to ship out everything i had here many times...and you denied only so you can complain later.

    I do apologize for not posting here as often as i should....i plan on changing that and spending more time on this forum. Please dont take my absence as a sign of us not doing anything..if anything its more because im spending more time getting things finished and to you rather then talking about it.

    As a very small Company we have run into all kinds of problems and issues........rather then throwing up our hands we are fighting through it and learning as we go. For those Customers that have been patient in a time where they didn't need to are greatly appreciated and will be well compensated.

    For those inquiring about us selling on EBAY....yes, we are selling the rest of our inventory "that's the point right?" We dont have much left, and we need to make room for our new parts "No More preorders"

    Also...if you wanna trash us for our customer service and/or lack of communication, thats fair and i would agree thats something we need to correct......but dont trash our products! They all work and look good doing it

    If i missed updating any parts please post up.....if u have a question please post up......if your post sounds like a 5th grader "Spazmok" you will be ignored, im not here to argue with anyone...just get you what you paid for!


  30. #720
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    That really sucks about the hydro graphic company. You got VERY lucky with that whole thing.

    I am still owed one Helium body out of that group. I have the matching rail, so I am willing to wait it out. I haven't had any issues with any of the products you have made, everything has worked and looked great.

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