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Thread: RT Automag hopper questions

  1. #1

    RT Automag hopper questions

    I've got a stock RT Automag and I'm looking at ways I can lower its profile by rethinking the powerfeed hopper setup. Obviously the powerfeed idea has been outdated by now, but I'm still stuck with this giant 3" powerfeed tube on the body. Now, without completely replacing the body (which is apparently not very easy for the RT Automag anyway) are there any creative ways to lower the height of the hopper or make the gun more compact in general? I'm aware of the whole warp feed system and how that can greatly reduce the profile of the marker. Has anyone come across any OTHER ideas or threads on the topic?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Halifax, N.S., Canada
    There are a couple of ways to lower the profile. The first involves cutting the top of the feed tube down so there is only enough tube left above the window to connect an elbow to. It will lower the profile, but relocate the hopper more towards the middle of the gun.

    The second option is to remove the powerfeed from the side of the gun and solder a new low profile feed tube on. You will have to make the feed tube as well. This is obviously the most difficult option and should only be attempted if you have the skills to use silver solder and have some ability to handle metal tubing. There are guys here on AO that can do that modification for you.
    Except for the Automag in front, its usually the man behind the equipment that counts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston, TX
    I have three of lukes customs vert feed mods (standard mag bodies) and love the way they handle. The offset is good for my line of sight, and not enough weight on the side to disturb long shot aiming but enough to balance a right hand tilt inside. Left side shooting takes a little more support, but reminds me to keep the loader down. They run with gravity feed or force feed just fine.

    Just having a clearer line of sight with a short loader setup is nice. I miss that a little with the ULE bodies.

  4. #4
    Doubt you'll like this option much if you aren't a fan of the warp feed setup, but you could always go with a q-loader.

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