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Thread: A few things to finish my build.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    A few things to finish my build.

    As the title says, I need a few things. I have a Y-grip so its kinda cramped. Trying to get my project build finalized.

    I'd like to find:
    RT grip extender,
    CCM fittings,
    metal tubing instead of plastic macroline (will that hold up to 1100psi?),
    a detent o-ring,
    a lever action on-off,
    a rotor (something that would match black and tan),
    anything else that might pique my fancy.

    Not looking to buy all this at once. I'll have to pace myself on some of it. PM me if you have any of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    The detent oring is either a 009 or a 010 oring. Common and you can get then at Ace Hardware or any veneral type store cor home repair.

    Big Evil has the tubing for you. Just pm him on the costs and how you wish to have it bent.

    The only lever action ASA is the DP DAPs, unless you consider a twist on/off ASA as "lever action".

    You can buy CCM fittings new on ebay. They occasionally come up in private sales, but they don't last long.

    As for selling you something, no. I have nothing you would buy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thanks a lot, Nobody.

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