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Thread: Deadlywind Karta Body and Rail

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Exclamation Deadlywind Karta Body and Rail

    Cha ching!

    It's that time, AO. Seems someone has posted a Karta body and rail on eBay.

    I don't know the owner. It's just an exciting day when a Karta hits the market. Predictions on final price?

  2. #2
    No real clue, rando-guess upper 7s?

    Unpolished unfinished is a curveball, changes the buyer dynamics a bit. Curious to see price discovery play out. Feels like one of those items where the forum would forecast lower than the open market is willing to pay.

    EDIT: wow ~$900, was $650 when I posted this an hour ago. Going to be a long 6 days of watching...
    Last edited by Mueller; 11-12-2020 at 10:10 AM.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mueller View Post
    No real clue, rando-guess upper 7s?

    Unpolished unfinished is a curveball, changes the buyer dynamics a bit. Curious to see price discovery play out. Feels like one of those items where the forum would forecast lower than the open market is willing to pay.

    EDIT: wow ~$900, was $650 when I posted this an hour ago. Going to be a long 6 days of watching...
    Yeah, it was $590 when I first saw it.

    This is definitely going to be a good price discovery. It's also the least loved of the Kartas (RTP rail and it has holes), though I doubt that will factor much in the final price considering how infrequently these pop up. I wonder if this is the same body and rail that appeared on the facebook group a month or two ago.

  4. #4

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  5. #5
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    got the short end of the stick on this one.

    told the dude 2 months ago id buy the complete marker for asking price. Then suddenly his buddy had to have it and dropped our deal. Told him let me know if anything changes. ready to pay for the complete marker........then the guy sells it back to this guy and lists it on ebay. He did offer to sell it to me with the rest of the gun for almost double the original price....o well.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by captian pinky View Post
    got the short end of the stick on this one.

    told the dude 2 months ago id buy the complete marker for asking price. Then suddenly his buddy had to have it and dropped our deal. Told him let me know if anything changes. ready to pay for the complete marker........then the guy sells it back to this guy and lists it on ebay. He did offer to sell it to me with the rest of the gun for almost double the original price....o well.
    Ahh that sucks. I've had deals fall through in similar ways.

    How many Kartas are you up to now?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    between that one and the guy stringing people along for the sfl emag. im over this week.

    id have to count. lol

  8. #8
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    Jeet yet ?
    $885 and it's the rail with the holes.

    Forget it, just get an Armada body and rail from Luke....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by captian pinky View Post
    between that one and the guy stringing people along for the sfl emag. im over this week.

    id have to count. lol
    It's called 2020

    Nothing is normal, nothing is right, nothing is easy...

    Just try not to fight it and you won't get hurt too badly

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Not surprising. These things are hard to come by, if you want one. Supply and demand. The DW bodies were definitely the best of anything thats ever been offered.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Xyxyll View Post
    Cha ching!

    It's that time, AO. Seems someone has posted a Karta body and rail on eBay.

    I don't know the owner. It's just an exciting day when a Karta hits the market. Predictions on final price?
    hopefully that negative feedback the guy has doesnt make the winning bidder pull out at the end.
    eesh ive seen it happen.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Gothenburg, Sweden
    Should this quite high price for a Karta set be considered a one time fluke, or is it a realistic approximation of what they are worth on today's market?
    Personally I think that the Kartas are among the best looking body/rail combinations that were ever made, but even so I couldn't justify shelling out that kind of money. At least if I didn't feel secure in the knowledge that I could get it back, if the need arises.

  13. #13
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    time to make a slurpee!
    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    . . . .Forget it, just get an Armada body and rail from Luke....

    Really Allen???
    You just lost any respect I had for you as a Mag aficionado...
    ......You know you want one!!

  14. #14
    Same happened to autocockers in past 5yrs - market value for rarer, older, quality build markers in $200-600 range 4 years ago are up 50-100% today and ebay continues to test price ceilings.

    Mags will follow suit on a slower curve, the same variables are there - quality, rarity, serviceable, still very field competitive. Versus say the best built STBBs that may be beautifully built but less serviceable/competitive, or earlier PL Smart Parts, or intimidators with beautiful cuts/finish and a glut of available inventory. You can likely buy 2-3 species tomorrow if you want.

    Interesting variable in the comparison to cockers is the custom bodywork out there and in production for automags - some of which seems as good or better than the DW bodies. And how people buy/sell or even shoot unfinished bodies in the mag space. An unfinished body/frame to me is like an unpainted car, no business being on the road yet.

    Then you have Bob Long / HK or even Inception capitalizing on the demand space with a new limited-run 1 of 150 RIPPER (spacegun X) every six months, like 1990s baseball cards. That sort of action in other spaces suggest a top is eminent.

  15. #15
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    Yikes that's going for a good amount. Nice to see one transact openly. Gives everyone a idea of what the value might be.
    Quote Originally Posted by dano_____ View Post
    I keep forgetting to not feed my mags after midnight so they seem to multiply regularly.

  16. #16
    And I thought I got in the Karta game late. Makes me feel a little better about what I paid for my Dallara.

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mueller View Post
    Same happened to autocockers in past 5yrs - market value for rarer, older, quality build markers in $200-600 range 4 years ago are up 50-100% today and ebay continues to test price ceilings.

    Mags will follow suit on a slower curve, the same variables are there - quality, rarity, serviceable, still very field competitive. Versus say the best built STBBs that may be beautifully built but less serviceable/competitive, or earlier PL Smart Parts, or intimidators with beautiful cuts/finish and a glut of available inventory. You can likely buy 2-3 species tomorrow if you want.

    Interesting variable in the comparison to cockers is the custom bodywork out there and in production for automags - some of which seems as good or better than the DW bodies. And how people buy/sell or even shoot unfinished bodies in the mag space. An unfinished body/frame to me is like an unpainted car, no business being on the road yet.

    Then you have Bob Long / HK or even Inception capitalizing on the demand space with a new limited-run 1 of 150 RIPPER (spacegun X) every six months, like 1990s baseball cards. That sort of action in other spaces suggest a top is eminent.
    You're describing a trend I've also been observing over the past few years as well. I'm figuring $1000+ for the karta.

  18. #18
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    Jeet yet ?
    I'll be curious to know if he actually gets paid when its over.....

  19. #19

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  20. #20

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  21. #21
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    So, just a fluke - or a reasonable pricing for Kartas?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Olsson View Post
    So, just a fluke - or a reasonable pricing for Kartas?
    I guess we’ll see when the next one pops up. I have a feeling it’s going to be soon.

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by awo702 View Post
    I guess we’ll see when the next one pops up. I have a feeling it’s going to be soon.

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    Will...I do happen to have...never mind.

  24. #24
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    Mar 2002
    So the final price was $1,125.00 with free shipping. It was very interesting to see all of the different bids come through so early on. I noticed the serial number "1026" on the rail. Just posting if we see this body/rail again if they magically come to AO to flip again. Ebay prices are a bit strange with the "best offer" price nowadays. This is the sold price, but that was pretty high for just the raw body and rail (with holes). It just takes two people to do the dance though!!

    I really hope that person found their forever gun and we can see this one built up

    Just to note, a gloss black Xmag with Reflex board sold for $1,450.00 and the Raw Xmag with original parts (Number 34, but didn't see the actual serial number) sold for $1,200.

    Maybe I should throw something up on ebay and test the waters

  25. #25
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    Jeet yet ?
    Let's watch the feedback and see if he actually gets paid.....

  26. #26
    I think they'll get paid. And I'm honestly not that surprised it went for that much. This is the first one in a long while that wasnt some back alley deal in PM's, still contending with several collectors as well as letting the little guy get a chance at making a move on one. I think we all forget there are a lot of guys who can't afford to just sit on FB/AO/whatever the platform is and wait eagerly for an unsuspecting owner to post saying they are debating getting rid of it to get some funds for their home/family budget, etc.

    Ebay in that regards is the great equalizer.

  27. #27
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    Supply and demand.

    With a limited supply, raw so no need to breal up an existing complete gun in unwanted anno; the demand was high with someone basically sending their April stimulus check for it. Like Bunny said, it just takes 2 people that really want it to drive the price up that high. And as much as Kartas or Dalaras are valued, gimme a KAM designs body & rsil or unibody. Less headaches overall

  28. #28
    aaaaaaand, it’s back up on eBay.

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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by awo702 View Post
    aaaaaaand, it’s back up on eBay.
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    With the same crappy pictures that do not show the area the last guy had problems with. See below pics from the guy that returned it to him.

    Also we established this is a used body, but the seller note is a bit misleading “This is a 15-year old body, never played with.”

  30. #30
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    Saw this again on ebay and nice that it is being tracked. $1200 is still way to much.

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