Just wondering... I pretty much gave up reading until this past Christmas when my brother got me the new book "Prey" by Michael Crichton. That seemed to have awakened me. Now I'm reading a book a week it seems like.

Some of the ones I reccomend to anyone:

"Prey" by Michael Crichton- Cool story about Nano-Robots run amok. It was pretty good, easy to tell that it is Crichton writing it though...

"Area 7" by Matthew Reilly- Seems like it was written to be an action movie. There is ALOT of shooting, death-defying stunts, and other things that are cinema quality story-telling. It was pretty good if not believeable

"Sleeper" (don't know the author at the moment)- Really good book about a genetically engineered monster killing people under the Pentagon, and it sets up some very tenseful situations as well.

"Dirty Jokes and Beer" by Drew Carey is pretty funny. There is one chapter alone that provides more laughs then most other comedy specials on HBO... It also has some good information on the life of Drew, and how he has even tried to kill himself twice! Didn't expect that out of Drew Carey...

"Marine Sniper" (I forgot the author at the moment as well...damn!) This tells about the military life of the greatest sniper the US has produced, Carlos Hathcock. Very good read, got to see how he lived, and what tactics he used. Also very good at showing the teamwork involved on being in a sniper team

"The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian. This book is insanely good. Anyone who knows anyone in the Vietnam war needs to read this book! It is artfully crafted, you can read it for just the story, or you can pick it apart like I did in my AP english class, and either way it is still good...

I could go on, but I guess now I'm asking for suggestions. What are some good action-type books? Who are your favorite authors? What would be a good time-wasting read?