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Thread: Hint #2 If A then B

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Old Town, Maine
    Come on guys, lets all help Tom get some good ol' American nookie!

    A = Email

    B = She

    C = To be announced

    If "A" then "B"

    If "B" then "C"

    You can't have "B" but you might get "C"

    If Tom Kaye gets to "C" he will have WLIPP

    This will make Tom happy and hopefully all of you too.


    -So if we e-mail, we get HER
    -If we get HER, Tom will tell us
    -We can't have HER, but Tom can. And he'll tell us about it.

    -This makes Tom happy, and we are happy for Tom.

    Its all comming together now....Mwahahaha

    Does it smell like updog in here to you?
    Originally posted by Automagisurdad
    and the barrel is no good cause its a 14 and not 12.

  2. #32
    ummm is tom gettin married or somethin
    i have both.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Houston TX/Baton Rouge LA
    why is tom talking in 3rd person? like your name here is hungry. your name here wants food.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    new jersey
    i wonder if WLIPP will be something like angel love juice.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Stalker Paintball
    I think She(B) is some significant other in Tom's life. I think TBA(C) is marriage or a proposal(probably by Tom). You can't marry this specific 'she', but you can get married(to some other person). If Tom gets married he will be happy. Tom has a girlfriend right?

    I don't know what WLIPP and A mean. Just email as many people as you can.

    My second guess is the Dye emag, even though the clues don't fit all that well.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think Tom is putting together a marketing scheme, like we all have been asking for and "SHe" will be the new Automag model. I bet tom set her email account up as [email protected], and we are supposed to email her to pursuade her to be the model, but she has not commited yet, so it is to be announced.
    Paintball is the most addictive, expensive sport there is...besides smoking crack!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    cudahy, wi, usa
    AHAHAHAHA I can't believe you guys can't figure this one out, its so easy my sister figured it out........ come on tom please tell us, or at least me. I promise I won't tell anyone else.
    Silver Freeflow Lockout Edition Racegun
    14" Silver Freak

    UW-Milwaukee Paintball

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    Oh my I just had some really nasty thoughts run through my mind. Hopefulyl I wansn't the only one who saw that in a wrong way.

    OK for thsoe who HAVEN'T SEEN IT, tom has announced in the other thread that SHE DOES NOT EQUAL A DYE EXTREME. K just so u know

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    WLIPP = Worlds Largest Internet Paintball PLayground?
    Worlds Longest Intenational Piantball PAtent?
    Worlds Largest Internet PAintball Partnership?
    Worlds LArgest Internet PAintball Party?
    Last edited by ChrisRT; 02-09-2002 at 10:49 AM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    And about the girlfriend thing.. it could be. Tom, I beilve (INSIDE INFO COMING UP lol) has a girlfriend. I have heard him mention "girlfriend" in the chat before. I didnt log that night so i can remeber it. And it was on new years eve so its very vauge. I wont say any mroe about what he said cuase, i mean, cmon... if you were tom would you want ppl talking about your personal life? Hell i wouldn't want any of you ppl even CLOSE to my personal life, sorry. lol

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Agawam Ma
    your killin us MR K!!
    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." -John Morley

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Are we going to have a female guest at the next paintball online party? then we would be Worlds Luckiest Internet Paintball Players?

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    I think it's time to (A) grab our markers, (B) fly on over to AGD central HQ,(C) surround the place, (D) capture the nefarious and awful personality that is TK at the moment, and then (E) brutally subject him to Backstreet Boys until all information has been divulged. If that doesn't work we'll use Britney Spears, but that may be illegal under the Geneva Convention's cruelty statutes... I'll see you all there in, ohhh, two hours. The attack commences at 10:22 Eastern, SHARP! Don't be late!
    (You BETTER believe I'm joking, 'cause I am!)
    (Even though this is driving me nuts)
    AKA Viking #393
    AGD RT Pro #948


    Plymouth Paintball Supply

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Madeira Beach,FL wo0t wo0t
    4,392 when is the"C" to be announced????I hope it is something cool,like a magazine by AGD,or maybe PAINTBALL TV!!!!!!!!!!!!yay,i really hope i got it.Or,it could be the INTELLI-Z grip!!!!!!!!darn im good

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Circleville Ohio, 43113
    Sounds like Tom's gettin married or something.

    Reason I think this is so is because I emailed the AGD Office Gal and said Tom was overly-happy today......

    So......Is that the answer?

    WLIPP ........Hmmmmm....Will Live in Paintball Paradise?
    Former stickballmovies guy (They're on youtube now). Now a full-time slumlord in Central Ohio.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Richmond va
    I wonder if AGD is merging with another company?

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Agawam Ma
    Tom if your gettin married your gunna invite you favorite Forum right??? Il take the steak. ( Chicken gives me gas)
    I know il get you a blender!!! every one likes blenders!!!
    We can throw you a bachlors party!!! a nice big cake, with the figurins on the top. Tom , His wife, And his emag!

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Worlds Largest Intenatonal Paintball Provider, this will make tom happy because it will make him money?

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    oh crap now we're getting into his personal life. Before long we'll ruin that too.. lol j/k

    Couldn't you see it? a Tom Kaye bachelor party! omg.. the paint flying... the bars, the resturants, the beer...

    of coasre, the beer comes AFTER the paintball.... no alcohol allowed on the feild!

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Agawam Ma
    Vegeta---- your missin one of the most impotant things.... the Chicks !!!!

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    my house


    I'm really confused!I just wish it might possibly be the new Z-Grip,but i doubt it......but heck,always nice to dream
    Black Warp Left E-mag #EM00163
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    14in freak
    12v smoke warp w/ interlink
    drilled 12v revy w/ JMJ impeller and WAS turbo rev board
    shocktech drop
    AGD flatline dovetail adaptor
    68 3000 flatline

    ***soon to be***
    emagnum body rail
    black powder coat
    custom grips from Frymarker

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Southeast MO
    1,050 marriage or a proposal(probably by Tom). ....
    who else would propose? Tom's mom? lol.. hhehe..he..uh..uh oh. That better not be a part of it. Although that would be a AO memerable thing... AOers emailing Tom's fiance' all proposing for him. Does that fit the equation? IF we email.. SHE will come. We email her, proposing, and she will come!

    That is VERY far off but hey its a shot. Am I right? VERY ROMANTIC TOM!

  23. #53


    Figure this:
    If this then that
    then if this=that than this
    finally this and that or that and this
    Got it!....

    Looks like the only way to figure this out ahead of time is to eat Tom's brain.

    Who's with me!!!!

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Okay I am really confused Know!! I can't wait to find out what it is ...Almost like a kid waiting for christmas morning to come.

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    S.Milwaukee, WI
    I think she is some really hot chick that's gonna 'rock the boat'. I mean what would make Tom more happy then that? And WLIPP was mispelled, he meant wipp so this sounds like it's shaping up to be some hardcore action
    Pre-BE 12v Revolution w/ W.A.S. Turbo+
    (The Real Deal)
    ***Hasty8... "I think paintball would be better served, at this stage in it development, if paintball products stayed in the paintball store." -couldn't have said it better myself ***

  26. #56
    Maybe its the release of an all aluminum mag, so everyone can mill to their hearts content.

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Big Lake, MN, US
    <i>Originally posted by Tom K</i>
    <b>A = Email
    B = She
    C = To be announced
    If "A" then "B"
    If "B" then "C"
    You can't have "B" but you might get "C"
    If Tom Kaye gets to "C" he will have WLIPP
    This will make Tom happy and hopefully all of you too.</b>
    If "A" then "B", and if "B" then "C" Then wouldn't it be logical to assume that if "A" then "C"? Therefore if we Email, then it will be announced and Everyone will be happy.

    I don't think He's talking about a specific email address. Both cryptic messages simply said "email" or "if you email". Do not assume what is not there. Perhaps the interpretation lies in the fact that one HAS email and not that he should email someone. The noun, not the verb. Therefore if you have email she will come.

    Try this:
    If you have email, then you will get the announcement.
    Or: If "A" then "C"
    This also works with "If you email, she will come..."

    This new hint adds to the message. <b>"If Tom Kaye gets to "C" then he will have WLIPP"</b> which will make Tom happy and should make everyone else happy too.
    I haven't found a solution for this part. But if I assume my interpretation of the first part is correct, then I have to assume that WLIPP has something to do the email announcement. Perhaps if Tom gets to announce what he wants to do, then he will throw the Worlds Largest Internet Paintball Party... That would be light hearted and close to home for everybody. ?? I only confuse myself.

    Other WLIPP acronyms I came up with:
    <i>Weekly List of Important Paintball Products
    World's Largest Informative Paintball Place
    Wednesday's Letter Involving People in Paintball
    World League of International Paintball Players
    World's Lowest Inline Peak Pressure</i>

    Only more confused...
    - Shut up and show me -

  28. #58
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Plainfield, IL

    mabey she is her

    SHE could be her and a different version of what she is holding could be "C"
    My drinking team has a paintball problem.
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  29. #59
    Join Date
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    World's Largest Incompasitated Pixelated Paintball Its an Online paintball game
    Why go to the light, when darkness has its warmth too....
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    EPIC - Warp - 68/45 Armageddon
    Black 2k LCD
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  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Wayne, PA
    I am going to bed now and I am gonna curl up in a ball and cry I think that it is an electronic grip frame to the automag simiar to the e-mags but cheeper. If I am right I get a free one

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