Freedy500: Thanks bro!! It's funny that my e-mag is going up against one of my old SFL emags. Looks like I will have to take it down! Btw, i'm going to keep it original to the regular configuration. Unless Carl Bonta comes out of the woodwork and voluteers to do all the work, i'm going to keep it a classic shooter.

I have a couple more builds that i'm working on, but they will take at least 2-3 months.


knownothingmags: I knew I should of put a disclaimer at the end incase people didn't read it! I've switched my "collecting" happens and mainly focus on the research of it all. It is really fun to dig into the past to find this information.

  • The AGD website picture came from a forum post back in 2001 on a random european paintball forum.
  • The IAO picture came from the wayback machine site from published in 2000.
  • The chop picture was found in a random forum post from The actual picture was attached and still worked properly to this day.