EDIT: This thread is satire. Please read the whole thing before responding.
Well, looks like I should retire another tank. I've retired two already at the end of their 15 year lifespan, which I wasn't happy about, since they still looked/worked fine, but I bought those ones used, and I really didn't know what had happened to them before I bought them, so I was comfortable letting them go.
My last tank, though? My beautiful MacDev 68/4500? I bought it new in 2006. No one has ever used it except me. I've never dropped it. It's always been in a cover. A nice, thick cover. It's been my primary tank for as long as I've been playing seriously.
And yeah, I know. 15 year rule and all that. But I don't really think those rules were written for people like me. When those bozos (whoever they were) first came up with rules about paintball tanks, they probably had to err on the side of caution. A really zealot might play paintball for six hours a day on half the Saturdays out of the year. They might ask their tanks to make hundreds of thousands of shots during it's lifespan.
But me? I play 4-6 times a year, and on those days I only play for 2 hours. I usually shoot less than 500 shots. My MacDev tank has probably only done about 50,000 shots in its whole life. That's like 100 times less than the "worst case" scenario.
I just really don't want to spend another $150 right now. Seems dumb to me.