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Thread: Blood Red Paint!?!?!??!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Cool Blood Red Paint!?!?!??!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they not outlaw red paint many years ago? I'm talking red fill, not shell.

    The story:

    So i'm talking to my friend who lives in Pennsylvania. He's a newbie to paintball so I'm helping him out. I've known him for years and he's not going to lie to me. But he tells me some guy at his field is shooting red paint. Like blood red paint. Then I was like 'thats strange, they dont make those anywhere, atleast not by big companies'. Direct Hit is left over diablo's and its pink, thats the only company that i know thats running a paint scam currently. Then he goes on to tell me that he's seen red paint a lot aroudn his field, word is someone in SC makes it. This pissed me off, and I told him to try to find out who makes it, because its making the sport look really bad to the public who already had the 'violent' image. Anyways, just wondering if anyone had any information on this.

    [email protected]

    "If all I see in society is darkness, why should I express myself with a different color than black? Its camoflauge to mingle with society" ~Chaos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    doylestown ohio


    i know that nelson challenger premium comes in a dark red fill. their paint tends to stain though. thats the only brand ive seen in red.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Far North


    When I owned my field, a kid showed up with a case of SuperBall that he'd bought from Paintball Games of Dallas. Semi-clear shell, as I recall, with blood-red fill.

    I spent much of the day having minor panic attacks when I'd see a customer walk off the field with a dribble of "blood" running down his cheek.

    I told the kid that brought it to leave it at home next time.

    That was a few years ago though. More recently, as in last week, I used some almost-new ZAP with an irridescent red/bluish-tint shell... I think it was called "Cranberry" or some such. Anyway, it broke with a deep blood-red as well.

    The fact of the matter was, it was never "illegal" to make blood-red paint. No one ever passed a "law" banning it, and there's no real authority that would have the power to anyway- save the Gummint maybe.

    It was "suggested" very strongly, however, very early on in the game- mid '80s- that the makers of paintballs voluntarily refrain from making the blood-red stuff, so the sport could more easily shed it's "war game" image and become more mainstream.Early anti-paintball news articles occasionally focused on the fact that players shot "fake blood" at each other, to "better simulate a wound".

    Some early heavyweights, such as SC Village in California, did indeed "ban" the use of blood-red paint (the referees had to be able to tell the difference between red paint and the blood of an actual injury) as well as some particular brands of other colors- specifically blue Nelson, which tended to create permanent stains when the dye would soak into dry wood, rock and brush.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Ottawa, Ontario Canada


    Zap is Currently making a paint called Atomic rediation. It is according to them a red shell /pink fill. Although it seems to be more red than pink.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    worcester ma


    there is one field around me that doesn'tn allow red paint other than that they all do

    Don't run if you can't hide

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mansfield, MA


    Proball makes red paint, shell and fill. and 32º has some red filled team colors.

    Flip Out

  7. #7
    shartley Guest

    Thumbs down

    Personally, if I owned a field, I would not allow any Red, Brown, Dark Green, or colors like them.

    Why? Most of us know that actual blood looks almost BLACK on most clothes, even white clothes if the wound is bad. With this being the case, it would be a safety issue for me. You could not determine at a glance if someone was holding their arm because they got shot, or if they are holding their arm (or leg, etc.) because they got a bad cut while playing.

    It would scare the hell out of me to see my son limping off the field with what LOOKS like a serious wound. But I could care less if he was peppered with yellow and green.

    This has been echoed in other posts.

    I think that the paintball manufacturers are just caving into outside pressure or something, because I think it is simply irresponcible on their part to make this type of paint.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    New Windsor, NY


    32 degrees Team colors makes red fill paintballs.
    -Tampa Bay
    -New England
    All of these types come with a red fill. I personally think that if the sport of paintball wants to rid itself of the 'violent image' then manufacturing red-filled paintballs is a step in the wrong direction.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000


    I guess I was wrong. When I said 'illegal' I meant banned. I play mainly at SC, so I guess I just figured all other fields had joined that ban since its bad for the sport. I had no idea that that many companies manufactuer red paint (I use all different paints and in 6 yrs of paintball still have not seen blood red paint to this day)

    [email protected]

    "If all I see in society is darkness, why should I express myself with a different color than black? Its camoflauge to mingle with society" ~Chaos

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Mansfield, MA


    i bought a case just to shoot trees and stuff in my back yard from my local field.

    Im not sure if they allow red paint to be used at their field though.

    Flip Out

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Greenville, SC


    I got shot with the crimson color on saturday with a flatline from about 15 feet away.. I come out from this little bunker screaming "I'm hit!!!" and see this fat kid doubeling over luaghing..(I lit him up next game)
    nyway, it bled. And some guy said "You're bleeding!" I didnt know it but you do have a point.. it looks like blood and you really can't tell.
    Stains bad too.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000


    Red paint is one of the sad things about this industry that keeps us in the back woods of the social mainstream. Time and again everyone agrees that it is bad for the sport but the manufacturers will not stop making it because "the other competitor will". This a blatant example of money and market share before making sense and industry longevity. It is one of my personal peeves.


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