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Thread: my opinion of LL7

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Chester nh

    my opinion of LL7

    I had big expectations for this game and while meeting with the other AO members and talking with Simon and Bud Orr made the trip alone worth it I actually found the game it self to be a bit disappointing.

    1. This is a 2 day event with almost less play time than a single day of play at a normal game. Saturday play time noon - 5 Sunday 8-noon with the final battle of 1 hour and factor in the long walk to and from respawn. They should have forward operating bases that you can spawn at if the flip flag is your color.

    2. The paint was great the crap then great and back again

    3. Registration is ridiculously long even with pre-registration. If you are expecting more than 2000 people have more than 4 registration windows and have some for those that did pre-register.

    4. On the first day horde was having to walk threw a pit of mud soup right our of the spawn and I am fine with some mud but this was over and over again and could have been easily fixed with some plywood or pallets from the giant pile by the camp site "suggested" but not important enough I guess.

    I am glad I got to make it but I think we could have done a more enjoyable game for everything as a normal meet up and play without the big event. Was fun watching 4 of you trying to get that classic rt going but you got it
    Last edited by Syko89; 05-21-2014 at 06:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    waiting for winter
    and I am greatfull they got the level 10 working. I quit chopping paint and just kept blowing it in the barrel after that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    waiting for winter
    I know they cant help the weather but I agree they could have tried to put something down to help keep us out of the 8 inches of mud and water. paint was crap, the only thing consistant about it was both kinds was crap. I mainly went to meet the guys from the forum and say I'd been. now to make it to Tunaball

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Yeah - 2 hour wait time was lots of fun. But really, the fun was in hanging out with friends I haven't seen in a while. In terms of scenario games - this really didn't feel "scenario" enough. The whole missions thing was either downplayed quite a bit, or they didn't do much, or we were so in our own world that we never bothered to pay attention.

    I didn't have a lick of problem with paint all weekend, all my guns shot flawlessly (though I think the Alias needs a little bit more tuning).

  5. #5
    I didnt have any problems with the paint either day (marbs)

    I had some barrel breaks but that was because of my level 10

    My largest complaint is the spawns being so far back

    There needs to be controllable spawn points where you can spawn if your team controls the point, just something to reduce the time/walk distance

    It just took way too long and was way too muddy to be effective

    More than a few times I would spend 15 minutes getting respawned and get shot as soon as I got close to action

    Very demotivating/exhausting
    CNC Programmer/Machinist
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    detroit, Michigan
    The final battles where great but overall the rest wss dispointing. We should try meeting up for a big game at hells survivors.

    Ps great meeting every one!

  7. #7
    I don't know where you got noon to 5pm from. We were on the field until 6:45 pm shooting any thing blue that moved.

  8. #8

    Very low turnout for both teams for the dinner battle on Saturday. I think BT said there were only maybe three or so AO players on the field for that one. It was pretty epic, nonetheless; in some ways better (in my opinion) than the final battle, since the lower turnout made it more about shooting opponents you could see, and less about simply dodging 68-caliber raindrops, as on Sunday.

    That said, Sunday was much more hilarious in terms of the party atmosphere. Someone simply has to have either video or photos of the five or six guys in lawn chairs passing a pump and randomly shooting into the melee.

    Friday was a stinker. One of the most disheartening pb-related days ever. Mud up to your eyes and no letup of rain. I agree, the paint was horrible both days, and both kinds. Evil was slightly better, but not by much. Both my mag and my Axe, neither of which have ever broken (good) paint, both broke paint of both kinds, though all were barrel breaks. Some of the Marbs were broken in the bag fresh off the truck. I dropped three balls by accident from about knee high and all broke on the pavement.

    I was talking to Robbie on Sunday about it, and he said he'd had no issues with the Marbs, only to break some as we walked to the staging area. Robbie, correct me if I missed something there.

    But on a bright note, we did get to play with Bud Orr on Sunday.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Chicago, IL
    I agree with you guys. The field was a mess and there was a lot of chaos on the fileds. Not a lot of team work. In the final battle, countless paintballs were less than an inch from my head from my teammates behind me. I'm suprised I didn't get shot in the back of the head.
    I would like to say it was great to meet you guys from the forum in person and put faces with the names. Everyone was really cool and down to earth. I hope to see you guys at future events. Special thanks to BT for all the hard work with our jerseys which turned out to be awesome! Special thanks also to BBotts for getting our paint together and it was really cool that Bud Orr (the living legend) represented the Automag Army and joined us in Battle. Hope to see you guys at Tuna Ball next May. Sorry I missed out on the team photo!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sunny Florida- Woot!
    Quote Originally Posted by magman313 View Post
    The final battles where great but overall the rest wss dispointing. We should try meeting up for a big game at hells survivors.

    Ps great meeting every one!
    No offense, but I think HS has some of the same issues. Personally I like the CPX field better.

    I wasn't able to make it this year, but it sounds like mostly the same recurring problems. It's a big field and they do need to figure out a way for easier/quicker respawns. First year I went it was mid 90's and I was so dehydrated after the heat and long walks that I was getting leg cramps. As mentioned I've had similiar issues at other large fields though. They used to have transports that helped a little. Seems like there should be a solution.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Milwaukee WI
    Thanks to BT for organizing the Museum. It was a great idea.
    Thanks to Bbotts for organizing the paint.
    Thanks to Badpenny for being a AWESOME neighbor at the campsite

    Weather sucked this year, flat out. It set the tone for the whole weekend. After a freezing cold night Thursday, and rain for 16 hours into friday night, we got a hotel for the rest of the weekend. Camp area turned to slop, field had bad spots, it was aweful. I was at the field WAY less than prior years. It hampered the "hangin out" part. I got to meet most of the AO guys, so that was nice. But in general I felt way more disconnected. It was also the most crowded event since they started doing them. For the people that came for the first time, I unfortunatley thought it was probably the worst Legends since they started. Because of the weather. gameplay/paint had some issues, but that is true for every year and every big game for the most part.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL
    Great putting some names to faces. I've never seen so many automags in play at the same was quite a sight! Between the crowds, wait times (what's the point of pre-registering anyway?), and weather, it was definitely a more low-key playing experience for me. The septic system overflowing near my campsite was another issue...the whole human poo thing really brought me down. I've probably played more time in one day of open play than I did in all of LL7...and I'm ok with that given the circumstances. Skipdogg I will most likely take you up on your offer to coordinate our plans for next year. In the mean time...I'm still cleaning what I hope is just dirt off of pretty much everything.

  13. #13
    i would say mulch would of been good, i missed the event but mu bro said 2 hours in the registration line in the rain sucked. i wanted to come meet my mag guys but that didnt happen. though my markers were tech and returned working and i got a few parts i wanted also i bro got a 5 piece angel barrel kit for 10$!!!!Holy CRAP. My bro said H himself said the walks were to long. i guess they were walking with him and he said to go back and if anybody ask tell him s=he said it was cool.... i was like u got to meet h!!! also he talked to bud and didnt know who he was lol... i said u talked to bud orr and DIDNT get a pic??? he said he didnt know.... i said u got to meet a god father of the sport and u didnt ass we both laughed his lookfrom the people he said he meet was like he was at a a list party of stars. he told me how the hord slaughtered empire.... he wants to built a mag since his marker went down and i told him to "try" mine.... he loves it and one more infected.....your welcome but for a big game u cant control the weather and i hope to b there next year and the big thing u need to remember(if u live in Illinois u know) snow one day and 70 the next lmao!!!

  14. #14
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    May 2001
    IN -- USA
    Quote Originally Posted by RT Lover View Post
    i would say mulch would of been good, i missed the event but mu bro said 2 hours in the registration line in the rain sucked. i wanted to come meet my mag guys but that didnt happen. though my markers were tech and returned working and i got a few parts i wanted also i bro got a 5 piece angel barrel kit for 10$!!!!Holy CRAP. My bro said H himself said the walks were to long. i guess they were walking with him and he said to go back and if anybody ask tell him s=he said it was cool.... i was like u got to meet h!!! also he talked to bud and didnt know who he was lol... i said u talked to bud orr and DIDNT get a pic??? he said he didnt know.... i said u got to meet a god father of the sport and u didnt ass we both laughed his lookfrom the people he said he meet was like he was at a a list party of stars. he told me how the hord slaughtered empire.... he wants to built a mag since his marker went down and i told him to "try" mine.... he loves it and one more infected.....your welcome but for a big game u cant control the weather and i hope to b there next year and the big thing u need to remember(if u live in Illinois u know) snow one day and 70 the next lmao!!!
    Holy run-on sentences...

    How're those pain killers working for you from surgery?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    SE Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    No offense, but I think HS has some of the same issues.
    None taken, even by us HS locals (though I've only been there once since moving here).

    That said, if there is enough interest I would be willing to take the lead on arranging a "regional" AO gathering at HS. Maybe not a full scenario, but a social gathering, bbq, games, etc.?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    the mud was the worst ever but becuase of thurs and fri it was kinda unavoidable given the SIZE of the event

    the hike was abad but that was our fault for being so dam good at what we do

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    St Paul
    i had a great time. i actually enjoyed some aspects of this game, more than previous LL. such as the final battle. usually im not that into the final battle, but i really had a good time at this years final battle. i think its because we had people with megaphones in the back telling people to stop shooting from way to far away and shooting our own guys on the hill.

    once i switched to my mag, i had no problems shooting the evil, which i think was much much much better paint than the marbs were. i did break paint in my viking, and my karni went down. RT shot that stuff amazingly well though.

    and i loved the weather, but i was hotelling it. i like paintball in the slightly cool weather, beats the hell out of the 90+ days we have had in living legends past.

    my biggest complaint was the soup and mud in the center of the field. you see, its not well discussed, but the real way to win in both the ravine, and the city ... is own the center woods. sadly the woods were both way over grown, and muddy. when playing in over grown woods the secret there is lay down and crawl, but with the mud that was all but impossible, so the middle was this no-mans land where no one wanted to mess around. when we were pushing you guys back middle of Saturday, it was a push through the center, i was on my belly most of it. shot almost everyone out behind the chrono station though, so that was fun. patience is often rewarded in games like LL ...

    sadly i didn't get a chance to come over and chat with more of you, but i saw quite a few of you guys around and said hi where i could. and i was reppin' AGD all weekend. super fun event as always.
    "because every vengeful cop with a lesbian daughter, is having a bad day, and looking for someone to blame"

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    St Paul
    also, after all these years, bedlam finally got me:

    sunday opening charge i was one of the first into bedlam. when making first contact with the horde, did was every half decent speedball player would do, run and gun for cover ... right over a curb. down i went. i was a gentleman though, i shot two guys and 2 pods before i was hit and got first aid ahhahaha

    after i got it wrapped up and everything, i was more of less fine playing again. notice all the pics of me on sunday im wearing a left hand glove ....

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Plymouth, WI
    that was knarly when you showed Sean and I

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by cockerpunk View Post
    also, after all these years, bedlam finally got me:

    sunday opening charge i was one of the first into bedlam. when making first contact with the horde, did was every half decent speedball player would do, run and gun for cover ... right over a curb. down i went. i was a gentleman though, i shot two guys and 2 pods before i was hit and got first aid ahhahaha

    after i got it wrapped up and everything, i was more of less fine playing again. notice all the pics of me on sunday im wearing a left hand glove ....

    I saw you with the medic, saw your hand wrapped, thought it was a broken finger, and was instantly bummed. Steered clear because usually people crowd in and say all the wrong things at such times. Really glad to hear it wasn't a break/tear/anything else to keep you out of the game.

    But for the record, I'm sorry to hear you didn't seek medical attention first, rather than taking out two perfectly innocent Horde players. Why, they were probably just trying to find out if you were okay.

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