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  • CitsejaMkraDehT's Avatar
    Today, 12:47 AM
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:59 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    And if Tom Kaye wants to start a business tell him to build an assault rifle because we break them from over use. American guns are trash and I am...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:54 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    You know how many illegal “Mexican” immigrants I kill in punitive expeditions? 0 You know how many drug dealers or criminals? 0 ...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:13 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    So sparky you asked how it’s going that’s how it’s going. So maybe you should stop simping and moaning like a ***** about some dead babies. Because I...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:49 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    I am actions based person. My men do punitive expeditions. I hear it all. My favorites are you can’t kill us all, but I’m a good person, and one of...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • paintball4lyfe32's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:45 PM
    Have an idea if any more x valves will be produced and when? I definitely scoop up one of those frames from you Luke if I could obtain an x valve.
    6 replies | 1306 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:53 PM
    It's becoming more frequent if anything.
    7 replies | 449 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:56 PM
    Wow. That's a lot more hate than we get with the usual troll. Can't see that you have made any actual point with all of that, but hey, whatever...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:53 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    If you incontinent old men want to lecture me on ****ing age and wisdom and your responsible for the **** we are in it is true hubris and your going...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:21 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    I spent $100k and bought a Maserati just to rock bottom myself and go for a run and this country is so whack that it’s not worth it to even work...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:49 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    Yawn at this point most of the people in this country just project their insecurities and low testosterone bull**** onto all the young men and...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • Nobody's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:07 AM
    So you are all in favor of the government to decide things for the citizens? That is not a republican mantra. That is not a 2A absolutist mantra....
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • Tunaman's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 09:24 PM
    He wasnt excerising his rights. He was lying on a federal form. He is a prohibited person and he did it anyway. His carelessness with a firearm...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 08:36 PM
    Don't take it so personal. A lot of folks here have trophies, but we don't use them to brag. Look, input is always welcome. Don't run away or go...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 08:18 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 07:42 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    You win. I’ll just take my trophies my wings my desert eagle suit my isis suit and my war machine suit and go home.
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • Pyrate Jim's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 07:12 PM
    You kids want to duke it out here, I'm OK with that. It's entertaining, reminds me of the "Flame Wars" section on IPR. But please don't brag about...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 02:09 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    In 2002 the paintball community was something free I was at the nations cup. I watched what Harvard did to it and what it devolved into because they...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 02:06 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    Instead of some ****ty internet propaganda let’s listen to a song. America would be wise to listen to its prophets rather than kill them and...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 01:46 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    I want you to read what I actually wrote and what you said I wrote in the first sentence. I survived the jesuits for my degree and I fought them...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:50 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    The lotto getting pulled every week doesn’t affect the chance of winning? The solution is to defend yourself. Everyone has a right to defend...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • CitsejaMkraDehT's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:33 PM
    Convenient to use that wiki article which just happens to start at 4 people: ...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • CitsejaMkraDehT's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:17 PM
    Zionist agenda from the Ivy league destroyed the paintball industry? What. That is some strange conspiracy stuff you've got going on. The...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:15 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    Figure it out for yourself and learn how statistics work.
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:14 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    74 million children in America The lottery gets...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:12 PM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    Business insider isn’t really a source and they expanded the definition of mass shooting to paint the tape. They just make up statistics. Give me a...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • CitsejaMkraDehT's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 12:02 PM
    What on earth are you going on about? There was zero mention of feelings anywhere in my post. Your rights do end when they start inflicting damage on...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 11:53 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    The racial thing disguises a Zionist agenda to empower the judeo-wasps from the Ivy League who destroyed the paintball industry in the early 2000s...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 11:23 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    There is no point in being civil with a rat that practices sophistry and betrays the constitution and its country. It’s 3 tires and 5 gallons of...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
  • 845's Avatar
    06-15-2024, 11:13 AM
    845 replied to a thread So...How's it going? in Friendly Corner
    My post didn’t show up. My rights don’t end where your feelings begin. I have a better chance of winning the lottery than losing a loved on in a...
    705 replies | 154314 view(s)
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