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Thread: What Happened?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Midwest USA

    Question What Happened?

    Seems like in the past 3 years everything Empire Sniper or Resurrection related has vanished from the net. Inception Designs also seems pretty cleaned out with only a fraction of what they used to carry.

    Did I miss some big market changes during my COVID hiatus? Also no MOTM entries for the past two months?

  2. #2
    I've been wondering this as well

    Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Inception Designs HQ
    Supply and demand. Though I have not spoken to Simon at ID directly about this, I will give an opinion on what the cause is.

    1. Covid effected everything, from death to work. It was hard and easy to play paintball depending on where you were in the US but at the same time, those people that were either furloughed, laid off or had to do other things didn't have the extra cash for paintball.
    2. Likewise if people were furloughed from jobs, if your business was not directly effected, it could be indirectly effected, like you wanting to manufacture parts but the machinist wasn't able to take on work.
    3. So if you can't get parts, you can't sell parts, you can't build anything.
    4. Those that were unaffected or less effected that either bought up the last of the stocks, minor parts to do "covid" builds or turned to left over projects to finish, but if the manufacturers couldn't replace those sold parts, they went out of stock.
    5. Likewise companies like ID, because they are unable to go to events/games, they can't sell their products, so they are not making money to buy new stock and that goes into not being able to buy it and the chain is broken.
    6. So ID needs people to buy up their stock, so they can replace it faster. I will assume they are only getting in the parts that are top sellers, versus parts that linger longer, cause they need a more steady flow of money to keep in business. Hence why things like ressurection high flow front block bolt or sherdian 9/16ths sized valves might take forever to sell, but the trigger pants(for example) always sell.

    Now, Empire with the sniper and Ressurection are different. As a huge company, they look are market values and profits, so they are looking at buying 100k in 1 part to make it profitable compared to smaller runs of say 300-500 for someone like ID. Look at the mag parts, for example. XMT and his bodies are $300+ for his minimal length ULEs, but if he could sell(read have people already bought for) 300 bodies, that price for one new would drop to maybe $250 or $200 for one and still have a profit for him. Companies like Empire maintain profits. There is also the act on who owns the Ressurection and Sniper IPs. I don't know how much I can say about that, but if a company doesn't want to pay someone money for the rights for it, they will not make parts for it. Plus, Empire does not make improvement or feel parts, like the multiple pump handles for CCM guns.

    So it is an easy and complicated answer to the question. Places like ID, we can only hope that not only they survive, but can also have people wanting to buy and build with their parts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Mt. Pleasant, SC
    Inception does have some stuff on hand, maybe not everything but they do have some stuff. If your looking for something specific hit them up.

    I am also an inception dealer if your looking for something they may be out of.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Midwest USA
    Was mostly curious about getting my hands on an Inception Empire FLE body. Looks like CCM & Palmer's online stores are mostly emptied out too.

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