Got laid off. Friend promptly offered me work at their father-in-laws business. Machine shop. Looks like working with lathes and CNC machines and such. We will see if I can start working up paintball parts and such.
Got laid off. Friend promptly offered me work at their father-in-laws business. Machine shop. Looks like working with lathes and CNC machines and such. We will see if I can start working up paintball parts and such.
Sorry to hear on the old job and glad you were able to find something quickly.
Did you find the spoon ?
This happened to me almost exactly a year ago. It can be tough. But ya have a job offer, take it even if ya don't love it. That might change if the let ya use the machines for paintball stuff.
Plus, I my personal experience for jobs and women: it' easier to find a new one when you already have onw
MM3 , you still in West Virginia ?
Well...still at the job. Things are fine but I wouldn't say great. Learning lots. Kinda starting to learn to set up jobs in the machines.