Project is still on, just got side tracked on customer work and restocking some other products.
The design is done on the LPRFG and programming is like 90% done so I'm super close to making the prototype.
Project will get done and I plan on making probably 20 or 30 units without a preorder.

But right now I'm stuck having to put a new engine and transmission in my truck. I can't put that off because it is my only transportation beside my Harley. I have to finish building the engine and the new transmission is on it's way as of earlier today. I've been gather parts the past two weeks or so hoping to have everything in line to knock it out. I'm going from the 390FE to a SB302, its not a standard swap so it takes some parts gathering, new exhaust, etc.

Rest assured this project will get done, I'm just spread thin these days...