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Thread: Need a X valve on/off pin!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Spokane WA

    Need a X valve on/off pin!!!

    I broke my on/off pin last game and need a new one. Please let me know if you have a spare. Just the standard X valve RT/Emag style. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You need Tunaman
    [email protected]

  3. #3
    Runamok's Avatar
    Runamok is offline Feedback Score 17 (100%)
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    Yep! Tuna's the man! How in the world did you break your pin? Just askin cause I don't want to do the same.
    I took the road least where the hell am I ?

  4. #4
    Cyco-Dude Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by cudamelland View Post
    I broke my on/off pin last game and need a new one. Please let me know if you have a spare. Just the standard X valve RT/Emag style. Thank you.
    the rt, rt pro and emag are all different lengths according to the specs sticky. if it's for an x-valve, you want a .750.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Email me your address and I'll get you one right out! [email protected]
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Thanks Tuna, Email sent.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Runamok View Post
    Yep! Tuna's the man! How in the world did you break your pin? Just askin cause I don't want to do the same.
    The story is that I was rocking my SWEET mag and I was running up to a little tower/fort/ opposing team flag station. I shoot the guy out of the top and start running toward it. I get up to the tower and peek around the corner, sitting in the door way was a young kid maybe 10 years old just crying his eyes out. I think he was just overwhelmed but with me just a few feet away the opposing team just started unloading in my general area not to mention my charge led about half a dozen other players. I’m watching this poor kid just get lit up by his own team mates. They’re not trying to shoot him but trying to shoot the small group coming up behind him. So I stupidly placed my mag against the tower and helped the little guy out of the fire fight. I hoped to find a ref on my way to the staging area but didn’t see any. By the time I got back to my marker someone must have tripped on it and another must have stepped on it. The bolt going into the body was stripped out and the pin snapped in half. So that’s my sad story it’s my own damn fault, I just wish that the guy who had tripped on it would have picked it up or something.

  8. #8
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    ^^^ Well holy crap! That was exceedingly nice of you. As the father of 3 I would hope someone would look after my kids if they were in that situation. LMK if there are any parts you need to repair your Mag. If Tuna charges you for the pin, PM me and I'll pay for it for you and have him ship it to you.

  9. #9
    Runamok's Avatar
    Runamok is offline Feedback Score 17 (100%)
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    Man if had one I'd give it to ya . I hate to see young one caught in a firefight that was totally stand up honorable.

  10. #10
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    You guys are great and thanks for the offer but, I have it covered. I can't imagine it being more then a few bucks anyhow. The good news is that I seem to have fixed the body!!!
    OPBN any advice to a noob? Expecting my first, a daughter in mid Nov.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudamelland View Post
    You guys are great and thanks for the offer but, I have it covered. I can't imagine it being more then a few bucks anyhow. The good news is that I seem to have fixed the body!!!
    OPBN any advice to a noob? Expecting my first, a daughter in mid Nov.
    My offer stands if you change your mind.

    As far as kid advice goes, none really to give other than being super patient and enjoying the good times and learn from the bad. You will need it when they are teenagers. Always remember they are who you make them and they are paying very close attention to your actions. They will learn from what you do, not what you tell them.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by OPBN View Post
    My offer stands if you change your mind.

    As far as kid advice goes, none really to give other than being super patient and enjoying the good times and learn from the bad. You will need it when they are teenagers. Always remember they are who you make them and they are paying very close attention to your actions. They will learn from what you do, not what you tell them.
    Thank You.

  13. #13
    Runamok's Avatar
    Runamok is offline Feedback Score 17 (100%)
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    Dude as far as I've ref'd almost as many games as I've played what you did is outstanding! And IMO dad should have been right with his kid. 10 or so is young and being caught in one hell of a firefight is no place for kids. I can tell you the first few games my daughter played, I was glued to her side! And I took multiple hits guarding her. Thank you for your efforts for the young gunner. I'll help anyway I can LMK.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Kudos to you. I have one you can have if tuna is out or something. Lmk.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stedspitcher View Post
    Kudos to you. I have one you can have if tuna is out or something. Lmk.
    Tuna hooked me up. Thank you tho.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Thanks again Tuna! Got my pins today and I popped them in. The proper size pin sure helped with the RT rate. Thanks so much for your knowledge and speedy service.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Tuna's the man!

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