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Thread: So...How's it going?

  1. #511
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    No disruption, in fact welcome.
    Number of "views" is immaterial, only those who post add relevance to the discussion. Any input is appreciated.
    Let others look. Even if they are bots, I'm sure they enjoy the comedy.
    I only ask because I saw a strikingly high number of visitors compared to the activity on this forum. Common sense to me would dictate that it is likely bots or web crawlers scraping data. I was hoping maybe we could see more automags, minimags, RTs, Emags, Xmags, Tac-Ones being posted for mag of the month but I'm guessing that's not likely.

    I don't really have anything to add to the discussion that was/is on-going since in society it seems we've entered a stage in which middle ground doesn't exist.

  2. #512
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    It's always been this way on the forum. I came on and there were 793 visitors ~ 5 users and 788 "guests" (or bots).
    The only reason this thread is over 500 posts is because it's interesting and funny. Folks just have more to say about their own opinions than they do about paintball.
    After all, paintball is the middle ground. The one place we ignore all our differences and just play to have fun.

    I also would like to see more paintball threads, I've tried and they end up buried in the archive. That's more up to users like yourself.
    At least when I start a "controversial" thread, it garners a lot more attention to the entire forum.
    Just my little way of saying "Thank You" to AO.
    CT Co-ordinator, Paintball Marshals

  3. #513
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    Wanna talk scary?

    From the article:
    The PLOP is expected to retail for $699. Annual ClearView subscriptions run $99 and users must buy a separate subscription for each state. Next of Gen is expected to incorporate ClearView in spotting scopes, cameras, and even eyeglasses in future product launches.
    Eyeglasses? So if you're driving with these glasses on, will they blank out or distort unless you pay?
    Only an AI could come up with something so ridiculous, and Humans marketing this trying to make money off it are even more so.

  4. #514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Wanna talk scary?

    From the article:

    Eyeglasses? So if you're driving with these glasses on, will they blank out or distort unless you pay?
    Only an AI could come up with something so ridiculous, and Humans marketing this trying to make money off it are even more so.
    Did you read the article at all? It is talking about binoculars and viewing landscapes and outdoor ranges. The creators are trying to monetize what we can see, with these digital binoculars. Meaning that hunters who are looking for game on or near protected lands would be blocked out, which also extends to private land.

    Nothing in the article says anything about eyeglasses or the like. Hell, it is even in the header of the article.

    The real question is, who gets the money? Do private citizens have to pay, does the company reimburse the people?

    The simple solution is picking up a cheap(which I will assume is about 75% of all other binoculars on the market) pair and not even worrying about it. I am all in favor of capitalism, but it is a stretch to see someone try to become the middle man on a free activity.

  5. #515
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    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Did you read the article at all? It is talking about binoculars and viewing landscapes and outdoor ranges.

    Nothing in the article says anything about eyeglasses or the like.
    Did YOU read the article at ALL?????? If you had you would have seen this. Oh wait I forgot about your compression level. sp on purpose

    Next of Gen is expected to incorporate ClearView in spotting scopes, cameras, and even eyeglasses in future product launches.
    Last edited by Beemer; 04-02-2024 at 12:12 AM.

  6. #516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer View Post
    Did YOU read the article at ALL?????? If you had you would have seen this. Oh wait I forgot about your compression level. sp on purpose
    If you wish to compare reading comprehension Beemer, then why don't you read the rules of this forum...

  7. #517
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    Way to go, Pinocchio! He said compression, not comprehension. You should be aware of the difference.
    Just like in the rules. You consistently insist that this thread is against the rules, yet you're one of the prime agitators thereby perpetuating the offense.
    Let's look at the top three rules;
    • No cussing. Activating the filter[******] is the same as swearing If you see you did please edit and fix it.
    • No racial, religious, or sexually inflammatory language
    • Avoid topics containing religious, racial, or political discussion
    First two say "NO" and the third says "Avoid". See the use of different words? They actually say different things with distinctive meanings.
    Not too difficult a concept to understand. Well, for most of us.

  8. #518
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    Uninstructed? Uncommitted?

    Between Michigan and Wisconsin, Biden has reportedly lost 13 Electors to what is basically a "None of the Above" campaign.
    Something not seen in the republican primary.

  9. #519
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    From the article;
    In March alone, when Biden clinched the Democratic Party's nomination, the campaign raised more than $90 million, up from over $53 million the previous month. The team also reported $192 million in cash on hand, which it said was the highest total amassed by any Democratic candidate in history at this point in the cycle.
    I guess buying 81 million votes isn't cheap.

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post

    From the article;

    I guess buying 81 million votes isn't cheap.
    Lol, I see what you did there. You're saying that a politician is buying votes. In a way, they all do. By making pledges and setting policy, a politician is buying votes. The distinction from this to say, the old republican Tammany hall days, where the GOP literally said, vote early, vote often and paid people to vote for them is, they can legally do that.

    But I think you are just missing the simple fact that more people just don't like trump. They don't like his policies, if there are any past enriching himself, they don't like his loose cannon actions to everything and the general notion that we, the United States of America do not want an autocrat, a Fascist dictator to ruin this country try.

    So if you want to support a twice empeached, failed president who has 91 indictments, who is facing criminal charges, who owes at least half a billion in payouts, and is facing possible jail time. Go ahead, be my guest.
    Last edited by Nobody; 04-08-2024 at 07:52 PM.

  11. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Lol, I see what you did there. You're saying that a politician is buying votes. In a way, they all do. By making pledges and setting policy, a politician is buying votes. The distinction from this to say, the old republican Tammany hall days, where the GOP literally said, vote early, vote often and paid people to vote for them is, they can legally do that.

    But I think you are just missing the simple fact that more people just like trump. They don't like his policies, if there are any past enriching himself, they don't like his loose cannon actions to everything and the general notion that we, the United States of America do not want an autocrat, a Fascist dictator to ruin this country try.

    So if you want to support a twice empeached, failed president who has 91 indictments, who is facing criminal charges, who owes at least half a billion in payouts, and is facing possible jail time. Go ahead, be my guest.
    Thank you, I think I might.
    Like you just said, "I think you are just missing the simple fact that more people just like trump."

  12. #522
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    Is it time for you to go outside and stare at the sun ?

  13. #523
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    The eclipse?
    Just about the half-way point here. Nothing fancy this far East, maybe 10% coverage. Likely less.
    Not like the news coverage treating it as if it were some amazing "once in a lifetime" phenomena.

  14. #524
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    Since I'm currently bored and feeling a bit ornery~
    Let me start with this.
    I pay my debts; I don't need to be forced to pay others debts through taxes. And it gets worse.
    This article brings skin color into it.

    Even though SCOTUS has ruled that this is unconsitutional, Biden actually brags that he can ignore that and do it anyway.
    And then complain that the Supreme Court slow walks Trump prosecution. I wonder why?
    And it gets worse. Besides pissing off the Supreme Court, Biden's admin has decided to do the same with the Catholic Church.
    Coming out a week after Bidens Easter debacle with "Oyster Bunnies"; How does the Pope condemning gender theory somehow affirm support for Biden and his trans agenda? Seem like polar opposites to me. That's the Democrats for you.
    Biden has flouted the will of the American people, the U.S. Supreme Court and now the Holy Catholic Church.
    I will say this for Joe Biden, the man has no boundaries. Almost 50 years of plagiarism, lies and ineffective performance all on the public dime, and still trying to corrupt people into believing that HE is the one that can fix it all. Give me a break.

  15. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Since I'm currently bored and feeling a bit ornery~
    Let me start with this.
    I pay my debts; I don't need to be forced to pay others debts through taxes. And it gets worse.
    This is funny. When you went to school, you could buy a house, go full time to college and do that with a run of the mill job and pay all your debt. Now, things have changed, if you haven't noticed. The homes you can afford are nowhere near the places you work and the hope that getting a degree to get the job that would pay you better, does not have enough to pay back your debts and actually live off of. So this is a non-starter, as you do pay the debts of other people. It's called taxes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    This article brings skin color into it.
    Now let's just forget that there is a well established double standard of people of colour and the systematic racism that is still going strong. As much as classism keeps the poor down, systematic racism keeps the other people down. So they can't afford homes, education, jobs to lift them out of the gutter.

    But you missed the point. This isn't about debt, it's called buying ballots. Instead of handing people money for their vote, it is the opposite, in that you remove their debt so they will vote for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Even though SCOTUS has ruled that this is unconsitutional, Biden actually brags that he can ignore that and do it anyway.
    And then complain that the Supreme Court slow walks Trump prosecution. I wonder why?
    Cause if trump is not guilty, wouldn't you want this done and over with? But in reality, the same can be said for the GOP's attempt to restrict and alter elections, through illegal gerrymandering, voter restriction laws and the normal everyday republican bullying. So it is okay to keep at voter fraud even though SCOTUS said no, am I correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    And it gets worse. Besides pissing off the Supreme Court, Biden's admin has decided to do the same with the Catholic Church.
    Coming out a week after Bidens Easter debacle with "Oyster Bunnies"; How does the Pope condemning gender theory somehow affirm support for Biden and his trans agenda? Seem like polar opposites to me. That's the Democrats for you.
    Easter debacle? More like the right can't read a calendar. And the simple fact that having the church eve recognize trans people is a huge step. So while they can believe what or how they want, the trans people in the US can have more recognition and their rights affirmed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Biden has flouted the will of the American people, the U.S. Supreme Court and now the Holy Catholic Church.
    I will say this for Joe Biden, the man has no boundaries. Almost 50 years of plagiarism, lies and ineffective performance all on the public dime, and still trying to corrupt people into believing that HE is the one that can fix it all. Give me a break.
    I like that he has no boundaries. He is a centrist, but has brought in a more progressive platform. I like that he has done more in his 4 years than the last 3 republican presidents combined. I like that you disparage him with the party line, yet cannot stop him and anything he has done, flies in the face of your narrative. You set such a low bar for him because of your presidential pick that all Biden can do is fail upwards.

  16. #526
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    No one cares.....

  17. #527
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    Oh, I care. I think it's hilarious to poke, prod, provoke, and irritate such a shining example of modern democracy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    This is funny. When you went to school, you could buy a house, go full time to college and do that with a run of the mill job and pay all your debt.
    Yes. I've been there and done all of that. Even got married and had two kids. I buried one and put the other through college.
    Now, things have changed, if you haven't noticed. The homes you can afford are nowhere near the places you work and the hope that getting a degree to get the job that would pay you better, does not have enough to pay back your debts and actually live off of.
    Trust me, I've noticed. I don't like it, but then again, I'm not a Democrat.
    So this is a non-starter, as you do pay the debts of other people. It's called taxes.
    Actually, I'm retired. Living on dividends and Social Security. I just filed for the year, I owe nothing and I get nothing back.
    So, technically, the taxes you pay add to my income. Thank you.

    Now let's just forget that there is a well established double standard of people of colour and the systematic racism that is still going strong. As much as classism keeps the poor down, systematic racism keeps the other people down. So they can't afford homes, education, jobs to lift them out of the gutter.
    You're starting to sound like Karl Marx. Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie.
    But you missed the point. This isn't about debt, it's called buying ballots. Instead of handing people money for their vote, it is the opposite, in that you remove their debt so they will vote for you.
    That's Joe Biden for you. Can't hand you money so pay your debt. How those are opposite escapes me. "Just vote for me and it's all free!"
    Cause if trump is not guilty, wouldn't you want this done and over with? But in reality, the same can be said for the GOP's attempt to restrict and alter elections, through illegal gerrymandering, voter restriction laws and the normal everyday republican bullying. So it is okay to keep at voter fraud even though SCOTUS said no, am I correct?
    So Joe Biden purchasing votes through debt forgiveness is somehow not voter fraud?
    Easter debacle? More like the right can't read a calendar. And the simple fact that having the church eve recognize trans people is a huge step. So while they can believe what or how they want, the trans people in the US can have more recognition and their rights affirmed.
    In the article I cited the Catholic Church did acknowledge trans theology only to condemn it. Any affirmation is political, not religious. If you were Islamic, you'd throw them off a rooftop.
    Thankfully, we haven't gone that far in America (yet).

    I like that he has no boundaries. He is a centrist, but has brought in a more progressive platform. I like that he has done more in his 4 years than the last 3 republican presidents combined. I like that you disparage him with the party line, yet cannot stop him and anything he has done, flies in the face of your narrative. You set such a low bar for him because of your presidential pick that all Biden can do is fail upwards.
    And Donald Trump is walking around free despite the impeachments and indictments and court cases and is still the favorite in the polls.
    So, what's your point?

  18. #528
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    Tulsi Gabbard, speaking from the mountaintop.

  19. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    This is funny. When you went to school, you could buy a house, go full time to college and do that with a run of the mill job and pay all your debt. Now, things have changed, if you haven't noticed. The homes you can afford are nowhere near the places you work and the hope that getting a degree to get the job that would pay you better, does not have enough to pay back your debts and actually live off of. So this is a non-starter, as you do pay the debts of other people. It's called taxes.

    Now let's just forget that there is a well established double standard of people of colour and the systematic racism that is still going strong. As much as classism keeps the poor down, systematic racism keeps the other people down. So they can't afford homes, education, jobs to lift them out of the gutter.

    But you missed the point. This isn't about debt, it's called buying ballots. Instead of handing people money for their vote, it is the opposite, in that you remove their debt so they will vote for you.

    Cause if trump is not guilty, wouldn't you want this done and over with? But in reality, the same can be said for the GOP's attempt to restrict and alter elections, through illegal gerrymandering, voter restriction laws and the normal everyday republican bullying. So it is okay to keep at voter fraud even though SCOTUS said no, am I correct?

    Easter debacle? More like the right can't read a calendar. And the simple fact that having the church eve recognize trans people is a huge step. So while they can believe what or how they want, the trans people in the US can have more recognition and their rights affirmed.

    I like that he has no boundaries. He is a centrist, but has brought in a more progressive platform. I like that he has done more in his 4 years than the last 3 republican presidents combined. I like that you disparage him with the party line, yet cannot stop him and anything he has done, flies in the face of your narrative. You set such a low bar for him because of your presidential pick that all Biden can do is fail upwards.
    He is no centrist. He is a freakin moron liar and a extortionist. He is going to get his that is for sure.
    Email me for low prices on ALL AGD Products and more. [email protected]

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunaman View Post
    He is no centrist. He is a freakin moron liar and a extortionist. He is going to get his that is for sure.
    Hey Tuna, I think you're right. I do believe that Biden will face a 4 year term for serving as president, again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Yes. I've been there and done all of that. Even got married and had two kids. I buried one and put the other through college.
    And when you did those things, it was much easier than today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Trust me, I've noticed. I don't like it, but then again, I'm not a Democrat
    And how or where does a political party have anything to do with that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Actually, I'm retired. Living on dividends and Social Security. I just filed for the year, I owe nothing and I get nothing back.
    So, technically, the taxes*you*pay add to*my*income. Thank you.
    Oh, so you are a socialist, living off what the government gives you, or what is owed to you. I won't tell Tuna that you're one of those sticking commie socialist, if you don't.

    Not to give you yet again, another comics test, but you still pay taxes. Taxes on your home, taxes on the products you buy. Taxes on the gas for your vehicle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    You're starting to sound like Karl Marx. Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie.
    This coming from a socialist is rich. I do like to see people use these big words, I do wonder if they know what they mean though. Marx believed that the workers need to own the rights to what they produce. No where is there talk of working for a living wage. And talk of the Bourgeoisie, would only enforce the class system. Just remember, you are not part of the ruling class. Your job is only to put that ruling class in power. They don't care or even know who you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    That's Joe Biden for you. Can't hand you money so pay your debt. How those are opposite escapes me. "Just vote for me and it's all free!"
    Civics pt.2, this is how elections are run. You make promises and fulfill them and the people who you made those promises too, keep you in office. So those politicians who make the promises, ask for donations to run for that office and the people respond in kind. The more promises you make and fulfill, keep you in office.

    And what escapes you is that the people who want change are seeing that change. To have crippling debt removed, is a big promise towards that change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    So Joe Biden purchasing votes through debt forgiveness is somehow not voter fraud?
    Because it is not directly for their vote, i.e. someone who has the debt removed is not guaranteed to vote for Biden. There is no "this for that", no direct exchange, unlike someone paying to keep information secret until after an election, while using funds from their election committee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    In the article I cited the Catholic Church did acknowledge trans theology only to condemn it. Any affirmation is political, not religious. If you were Islamic, you'd throw them off a rooftop.
    Thankfully, we haven't gone that far in America (yet).
    Now, you're a voice for Islam? I find that frightening.

    The church acknowledges the trans person, but feel that changing the identity, i.e. switching the sex, is wrong. That changing of sexual identity is what they condemn, not the person who happens to be trans. Get it right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    And Donald Trump is walking around free despite the impeachments and indictments and court cases and is still the favorite in the polls.
    Because he is the prime example of a 2 class system within thr justice system. Any other person who would do but half of what he has done, would be in jail already. The classified documents, they would be awaiting trial, in jail. Threatening judges, in jail. So do not think that because someone flaunts the system that it is any indication of his guilt. The one thing that trump CAN do is break thr system and he is showing where those cracks are.

  21. #531
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    time to make a slurpee!
    I think we need a ZOOM meeting because there is so much garbage being spewed from NOBODY that quite frankly, I don't have the time to type it.

    YES DOUG I said you spew garbage. no point in disputing it you' just deny it.

    Pyrate Jim never claimed to be the voice of Islam he merely stated what we all know, even you know it. Stop making stuff up, it only lessens what we already think of you.
    ......You know you want one!!

  22. #532
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    Don't know, I am lost.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Oh, I care. I think it's hilarious to poke, prod, provoke, and irritate such a shining example of modern democracy.
    Me too. You are a Master at it. So good he doesn't even know you are doing it. Takes the bait every time.

  23. #533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beemer View Post
    Me too. You are a Master at it. So good he doesn't even know you are doing it. Takes the bait every time.
    Stupid is forever.....

  24. #534
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  25. #535
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Unelected shadow government.
    If Trump gets elected and doesn't get assassinated , he will on day one have a mass firing of the Marxist deep state.

  26. #536
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    He could. After all, it worked in Argentina.
    Personally, I think it would be a mistake perpetuating prosecution of rivals rather than focusing on the Nation.
    Leave that to the democrats since they have proven themselves to be experts at it.

  27. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by going_home View Post
    Unelected shadow government.
    If Trump gets elected and doesn't get assassinated , he will on day one have a mass firing of the Marxist deep state.
    Huh, it is almost like in the past going on 4 years, that people who had opportunities to speak up then, are only doing so now to muddy up the upcoming election... it is kind of like how a feckless and ineffective congress is trying to impeach anyone in the Biden administration, just to show that equality of corruption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    He could. After all, it worked in Argentina.
    Personally, I think it would be a mistake perpetuating prosecution of rivals rather than focusing on the Nation.
    Leave that to the democrats since they have proven themselves to be experts at it.
    Pinochet, really? Are you that much a fan of Madonna or military juntas really pull at yoir heart strings?

    While I don't like how long any of the most cases have gone on for, was anyone convicted loose their rights? Has there been mass appeals and a flurry of overturned judgements? Has anyone even been jailed and not given a trial? Or has anyone been held on trial BEFORE evidence to prove them guilty needed to be found?

    Before your knee-jerk answer, think about how Trump is not in jail for the 91 indictments he is facing while still free, pending trial.

  28. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
    Before your knee-jerk answer, think about how Trump is not in jail for the 91 indictments he is facing while still free, pending trial.
    Oh, I've thought about it and formed an opinion, but I don't think you'd like it.

    And Pinochet died in 2006, if you haven't been keeping up. I was talking about their recently elected President, Javier Milei.
    The guy who turned around the Argentine debt into a surplus by firing 70,000 government employees and has diminished their inflation rate beyond expectations in His first five months. That Argentina.
    Even Australia reports on it.

    (Anecdote incoming) Years ago, I worked in a shop that played the radio. Mostly talk show stations, which I despised. There was one that had a sign-off advocating;
    A smaller, leaner, less intrusive Government.
    I feel a lot of sympathy for that quote, that we as a country neither wish for nor deserve a bloated bureaucracy devouring more of our tax dollars as it grows.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    Oh, I've thought about it and formed an opinion, but I don't think you'd like it.

    And Pinochet died in 2006, if you haven't been keeping up. I was talking about their recently elected President, Javier Milei.
    The guy who turned around the Argentine debt into a surplus by firing 70,000 government employees and has diminished their inflation rate beyond expectations in His first five months. That Argentina.
    Even Australia reports on it.
    While I am in favor of removing waste, what are the ramifications of those job losses? Myself, I am in favor ofnot giving the bosses the lion's share and moving those paychecks to those that do the work. Having a well paid workforce means that they are happy with the jobs they are doing and not looking up at political graft of the bosses who do nothing but collect a paycheck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrate Jim View Post
    (Anecdote incoming) Years ago, I worked in a shop that played the radio. Mostly talk show stations, which I despised. There was one that had a sign-off advocating;

    I feel a lot of sympathy for that quote, that we as a country neither wish for nor deserve a bloated bureaucracy devouring more of our tax dollars as it grows.
    Yet you support a political party that wishes to squeeze the bottom 10% but give cuts in taxes to the top 1%? Or you support a person who's administration doubled the national debt and added to it more than every other administration in the entire history of the US?

    That is what I don't get. You say that you want fiscal responsibility but don't do anything about actually achieving it. You rather go after the poor family that owes $200, but you turn a blind eye to the man or corporation that bills the government out of $200 million. But at the same time, you decide to break government to prove that it doesn't work.

  30. #540
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    Jeet yet ?

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