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Thread: "Life to Me" by Magmonkey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Lakemoor, IL

    Thumbs up "Life to Me" by Magmonkey

    Magmonkey posted this in the "Why do you play tournaments" thread ( I started a while ago. I thought that it was so well written that it deserved its own thread.

    Hope you dont mind and great job Magmonkey!

    "why do I play tournys? well alot of reasons...

    first and formost for fun and friends

    but other than that

    A paintball tournament is where I feel most alive

    this is somthing I was writing about the other night
    alot of it might not make sense to anybody who wasn't there but I'll put it up here anyway

    life to me:

    life to me is a long ride to get to the game, it is 3:00 am fire alarms in the skydome hotel the night before finals,

    it is a doughnut orgy in Fla.

    it is pit beef sandwiches in Maryland.

    it is being so tired and filthy at the end of a day playing that you can get away with just about anything at the hotel afterwords because you must appear completly insane to the staff.

    it is 600 fields in 600 citys and 600 different hotel rooms in cities that you have never been to before. and just before everbody falls asleep it's "TELL ME A STORY" as you are beaten by your 10 teamates that have shoe horned themselves into a room the size of a closet.

    it is 3....2....1..... TEN SECONDS!!! and for some reason that ten seconds last a lifetime.

    it is dive bars up and down the east coast

    It is flying back home after a tourny and hoping you get home in time to catch the dropkick murphys show

    it is making the finals at Skyball by one point

    life to me is calling your girlfriend from 2,000 miles away and trying to convince her that you realy do love her even though work only permits you to see her on the weekends and alot of those have to be used for practice, scrimages, tourneys, team meetings, and machine work for other players.

    it is seeing your team name or picture in the magizines for the first time and after that waiting none to patiently for them to come to your door just to see if you are in it again

    it is the feeling you get right before the game starts when everybody has a hand in and you look at your teamates and know that there is nowhere else you would rather be

    sorry for taking up so much space but this is somting I have been thining about for some time

    Gliney the mag monkey

    Mass Destruction
    Destructive customs"
    Last edited by Scooter/Cootie; 02-06-2003 at 06:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Dallas, Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Silicon Valley, Ca
    That was great! I would suggest submitting this to the magazines.

    "When you get married, you learn really quick that there's a good time, and a not so good time, to start playin' snap-shooting-from-behind-the-couch moves with a brand new $1,000 paintball gun." -Jack & Coke

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Newport News, VA
    yea, wow is all I can really say too.


  5. #5
    -=Squid=- Guest
    I agree with the submission to the magazines idea...I think it could make it, by the sounds of things, he plays fora big team. Anyone know what team?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    So Ill
    that was great!!!! omg that was amazing..major kudos man...
    Image too large- Tato

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Easthampton Ma.
    wow I didn't think that this would get a response

    I used to play for Evil Inside and we were hitting alot of wpf and nppl tournies we took 5th place for the 2000 wpf season but never had much luck in ten man. any way I left them after the 2001 world cup because of team politics and went back to my first team Mass Destruction

    this year we are going to try to do most of the nppl super 7s

    I am really excited to be going back to some bigger tournaments

    thank you all for the replys to this, I have never been able to put my thoughts into words very well but I guess I am passionate enough about this

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    That was an awesome read! nicely written Magmonkey.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I could do that!!!

    Mabey not.
    Ya Man, thats PCP

    [IMG]Sig image must be under 20k[/IMG]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Oswego NY

    I feel the same....

    paintball the way your described is my dream, its my only true goal, its what wakes me up in the morning and haunts me the moments before sleep takes me at night. Everything I do is touched by the sport. I know the life of sponsored player is rough, I know you spend more time in hotels and rental cars then you do in your own house. Even with all the rough times, and strains it puts on the pro's its the only dream i have to chase. I question myself all the time, is there life after paintball? What if im not, or never will be good enough? Can I give up everything I know as life now and am comfortable with to chase my dreams? My nightmares are of me as at 50 still never knowing if I had what it took, never understanding what more I could have gave. I just want the chance, I can accept that I may never be good enough, I can live and move on from there. But never knowing? I cant accept that...

    (sorry for the essay there)

    yeah I know what you mean, and that was the best I have ever heard it said...its beautiful
    Tom was the last of a now extinct breed, a breed of players who build a community, a breed of owners who gave to the sport never taking more than what they deserved. I hope to see you at the feild again some day....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Lakemoor, IL
    Gonna bump this up once.

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