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Thread: Who is AGD?? An answer for all the new members >>

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Post Who is AGD?? An answer for all the new members >>

    Welcome all newcomers to the AO family!

    The posts that end with the familiar "AGD" are from me, Tom Kaye, the owner and president of Airgun Designs. I am the designer of the Automag as well as the person that brought the industry power feeds and compressed air. I have owned and run this company since 1986 when we first started making products for paintball. Airgun Designs is one of only three companies (WGP and Tippmann are the others) that have survived from the 80's. Consistently over the years our focus has been on customer satisfaction and making quality products that last a long time. If you ask people on this forum you will find many guns from 10 years ago that still work perfectly.

    In recent years the market has rolled over and many players are only participating in the sport for 6-12 months. With that short a time span it is hard to get to know your customers and what they want. This forum is my way of understanding some of the most important people in my life, you our valued customers. You can see from my post count that me being here is not a rare event, actually I read the forum 3-4 times a day every day. I make large business decisions based on what you all say here. I give you all a lot of weight and find myself explaining what you have told me to others on my staff.

    Today the market is crowded with good high end guns all claiming to be the best through adds and sponsorships. Frankly we suck at marketing because we are an engineering based company that concentrates on performance before looks. Good marketing spends money on an image, then bombards you with that image until you feel that is the norm. Our approach is to understand clearly what you want already and just give you that, instead of trying to change your mind. Understanding you clearly and us answering your questions clearly is what this forum is all about. I take this so seriously that I bear the responsibility myself to come here and talk to you.

    You are talking, we are listening, we want to be "the gun company you know".

    Tom Kaye and all the staff at "AGD"

    [This message has been edited by AGD (edited 07-17-2001).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Greenwood, NS, Canada


    Good to hear that there are ppl listenin to our comments. Thanks Tom we appreciate it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Woodbirdge, CT


    awesome, I think that is a very good way to get a marketing stance, bring the questions right to he customer =) I recently purchased my mag and the past few days I have been astounded at how much help these forms have brought me =) I want to personaly thank you for the way you treat your Customers =)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    In my own little world


    Did you guys give the EMag to Maxim or Stuff? Because they did a review on the high end markers and a few low end and in a magazine like that I think it gives great PR. Or did they go out and get it themselves?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by AGD:
    we want to be "the gun company you know".
    You are not only that but in addition you are "the gun company that is getting all of my extra money" too!


    Quote: Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy
    Author: Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Eureka, CA, USA


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by AGD:

    I have owned and run this company since 1996 when we first started making products for paintball.

    Did you mean 1986? *** yes I did, fixed now thanks AGD ***

    [This message has been edited by Maxd Out (edited 07-17-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by AGD (edited 07-17-2001).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    The Roost, Ohio


    "New guy, together we can own at the field. Did Bud Orr ever tell you about the man who invented your gun?"

    "He told me enough, AGD, he told me you replaced him."

    "No, New Guy, I am Tom Kaye."


    Why does this always go through my mind when AGD reveals he is Tom Kaye. Why do I make up this stuff when I'm bored at work? Why do they still let me have internet access:P?

    Anyways, back to the point, who else has this kind of dedication to their customers? AO staff has really done well at making us feel like family here, keep up the great work .


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Old Town, Maine


    lol See even agd makes mistakes sometimes. Not Everyone is perfect guys.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Good Ole Amish Country, or just outside of lancaster PA


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by AGD:
    [B] Frankly we suck at marketing [B]</font>
    you dont suck at marketing its your little pics of guns here and there that other companies advertizre for you that made me buy your gun! if you can get over 100,000 markers sold you dont suck

    ps i just thought it was funny

    automag verb)1to eliminate from a paintball game, 2to be better than a spray and prey player with a cocker or angel, 3to kick some major arse

    [This message has been edited by magman007 (edited 07-17-2001).]

  10. #10


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">....Airgun Designs is one of only three companies (WGP and Tippmann are the others) that have survived from the 80's. Consistently over the years our focus has been on customer satisfaction and making quality products that last a long time. If you ask people on this forum you will find many guns from 10 years ago that still work perfectly. .....
    [This message has been edited by AGD (edited 07-17-2001).]
    Hey tom... What about Palmer?

    as for my Mag... Minime is #1321 and at least 5 years old and running fine.


    minimag #1321

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    naples, florida USA


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by AGD:
    Frankly we suck at marketing </font>

    i don't think you guys suck that bad at marketing. i have been seeing pictures of rt pros and e-mags in magazines. and you guys bring them out to tourneys so you market them. i think your cutsomers market the guns the most by getting other people into the mag world. (i just convinced my friend to buy a mag)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001


    I believe that those who own the products are the best advertisement a company could have. If they like the product, they tell friends, show it to friends, and friends buy the product. Then the friends go to other friends....etc.

    When debating on what my next gun should be (first was a spyder), I asked people at the local field about their guns, it's good and bad points, and what they liked most about it. My final two were a mag or cocker (as it seems everyone else was between too). I chose the mag and have been happy ever since.

    And now a word from our sponsor...

    [This message has been edited by StevoC (edited 07-17-2001).]

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Bernardston, MA


    Yeah, it became quite apparent after registering my gun on the phone and talkign with Joann that your customers input is very highly valued, the way it ought to be, thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    for the love of god delete two of your posts please.

    as for you tom, We fellow paintballers spread the word of paintball all throughout the land. People ask what is paintball and give us examples of teenagers shooting houses and such in their cars. We explain that that is not paintball, that is vandalism. We explain the saftey factors in paintball and tell them that statistically it is safer than bowling. We let them know that we take care of the new people entering the sport. We tell them never to take there mask off when your on the field, always put a barrel plug in when your not playing, and give them pointers on how to play. This is marketing for the sport itself, but i have been asked by the majority of the people i explain the sport to about what kind of gun should they get. I always always always recommend your prducts. I tell them that you can spend a little more on a gun that will last forever and then hold its resale value if they ever decide that the sport isn't for them etc...

    thanks for all your great products, we appreciate you as much as you appreciate us

  15. #15


    I know I haven't posted much (just check the count but I just wanted to say that AGD is one amazing company. You guys make an amazing product that performs great on the field. I was at an indoor place by me setting the fps on my mag when the ref standing there simply stated "mags suck, get a cocker". I don't think I've ever yelled at one person that much before in my life I left him speechless. Keep up the great work and I look forward to all the products and support you guys will offer in the future. The mag is one amazing gun and I'm proud to shoot it. (as corny as that sounds

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Marietta, GA, USA


    Just want to say AGD is a great company, you have great customer service and always listen to customers. This is the only board I know of where the owner of a major company comes and talks to the people who buy and use his products and listens to suggestions and helps out. Thanks for everything.

    Powerfeed Automag with 12" All American barrel, SP Gadget grip, Benchmark 2x frame, Shocktech chrome drop, 48 ci Pure Energy nitro tank, and a thumb velocity adjuster

  17. #17


    Well it wouldn't hurt to hire a Marketing guy, would it Tom?

    Hint Hint :-)

    Paul La Rue

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Behind my Angel...


    I agree that in marketing you suck, but i think that the way you run your business, i mean in customer satisfaction and very good reliable products, you get long lasting constumers. I even change a brand new Angel for an Emag. Not cause Angels are bad cause they are not, but because i`ll never get as much service and satisfaction as you give me, take it as a Thank You Tom.

    "Give me an inch... I`ll give you a bruise" -Andy Kopcok, team Image
    Snap Snap
    Bang Bang
    You`re Out

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Where the beer is deep. The forest is funny colored. Cloud nine is a thought away.


    hey Tom.. im not new here but i was wondering if you have any pictures of they panther series you talked about on the Air Gun website. they sound interesting!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Columbus, OH


    <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by banzaimf:
    [b] Hey tom... What about Palmer?

    as for my Mag... Minime is #1321 and at least 5 years old and running fine.



    And sheridans too... my PGP sn 1316 still works flawlessly and looks great too.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2000


    Three Cheers for AGD! Hip Hip Hooray! You da man Tom!

    "It is better to be THOUGHT of as a FOOL, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "The SC" (South Carolina)


    Well let me say this JJ is new and is marketing now and is doing a good job. lets give it time for him to do his magic. I for one found out from word of mouth. it works and I like the small nice market you guys have. I like being a 'different" guy. I think the older crowd is surely aware of AGD and appreciates its presence in the market.

    I just would like to know how much of my money you intend to get? I mean E-mag's, Warps, new 2X Frames, RT valves. Where is this all going to end? Do I need to get a second job? Tell me now Tom!!!!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Auburn, IN


    I think there is now a new influx of AGD products into the market. It goes without saying that these products are top of the line and ground breaking once again. It is time to get aggresive and put AGD back on top. Ad's in all top P-ball magazines. Maybe a contest here for best add. There are a lot of people that base there buying on those adds in APG and other magazines. Go AGD!
    p.s. I know all of us here could make a good ad if we were serious about it. I see those Angel or Impulse adds and I think that's beautiful, then I think what am I doing my Mag rocks.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    yeah that word of mouth thing really works. here is a story about a local mechanic:

    He opened up a few years ago, he was close to our town, charged good prices, does a excellent job. He never advertised once. nope, nadda, zip! the first month was kinda slow, then it picked up, and ran faster than O.J. Simpson from the police. he has been full of buisiness ever since. That was like a few years ago. we drove by going to meet relatives, his line of customers today was huge(gets work done quick too and the same line will be there tomorrow but different cars) the poeple wont even go to their local dealers(which they usually do in my town) for anything now.customers come back for everything that is need for regular maintence and something that goes wrong, he will do it for free too if he likes you.

    this is like AGD, reasonable prices, good service, and just... like... quit marketing(it may put a person out of a job ). you have a huge crowd of loyal customers who influence the world with your products. see like a few years ago there wasnt a single mag at my field now there are like at least 7. they just had to have time to spread. and now they are going to spread like wildfire across the nation, either mag, RT, or emag. you see in a few more years i dont know what is going to happen but it is going to be good.

    about that marketing thing, im not serious, just good luck on the marketing plan. hopefully it will work, but remember there will be a legion of customers doing the work for free out of the goodness of their hearts, just for you giving them a good product, service, and everything needed to whoop butt on the field(except skill which comes in time).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2000


    I am going to bump this to the top one time just to make sure everyone sees it.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2001


    I have to say, I think the biggest boost you are going to get is from the Modular bodies, I've told a couple of buddies about the possible Shocktech E-Mag and they are impressed, and can't wait t try one. Having names like Shocktech doing custom Mag's will be a big boost, especially when Shocktech has *only* done cockers for the longest time. The Mag has been a word-of-mouth phenomenon, like the Phantom, for too long, I await the day when the kids shooting their tippmans and spyders drool over mags the way they do over angels and cockers now.

    Mykroft Holmes IV
    My Mag:
    Classic Feed
    16" CP .689
    14" JnJ Stainless
    Ring trigger
    WGP Reg.
    Diamond Labs Ti Reg Adjuster.
    PMI 48/3K Preset HPA

    "There are no Dangerous Weapons, only Dangerous Men" R.A.Heinlein - 'Starship Troopers'

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